To suggest additional caption abbreviations for this list, send an email message to CONSERHOLD-L@cornell.edu. Please include the full form of the caption, your suggested abbreviation, its language, and your email address. If you cannot input diacritics in your message, please spell out the diacritics or at least indicate that its diacritics are omitted. Suggested abbreviations will be verified against standard lists and ISO 832 and added to this document. Thank you.
A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M --
N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Abteilung, Abtheilung | Abt. | *AACR |
afdeling | afd. | AACR |
aflevering | afl. | AACR |
årgang | årg. | AACR |
argangur | arg. | **ISO |
arithmos (Greek) | ar. | AACR |
Ausgabe | Ausg. | AACR |
avdeling | avd. | AACR |
Bändchen | Bdchn. | AACR |
Bände | Bde. | AACR |
Band | Bd. | AACR |
band | bd. | AACR |
bind | bd. | AACR |
bindi | bd. | ISO; |
book | bk. | AACR |
broj | br. | AACR |
bulletin | bull. | AACR |
cást1 | c.1 | AACR |
centimetre, -s | cm. | AACR |
chapter | ch. | AACR |
chast´ | ch. | ISO |
chronos | ch. | ISO |
císlo1 | cís.1 | AACR |
czesc2 | cz. | AACR |
deel | d. | AACR |
del (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) | d. | AACR |
edition, -s | ed., eds. | AACR |
extraordinary session | extr.sess. | ISO |
fiscal year | FY | ISO |
fascicle | fasc. | AACR |
fascicolo | fasc. | ISO |
fascicule | fasc. | AACR |
fasciculo | fasc. | ISO |
füzet | füz. | ISO |
gads | gd. | ISO |
god | g. | ISO? |
godina | g. | AACR |
inch, -es | in. | AACR |
jaargang | jaarg. | AACR |
Jahrgang | Jahrg. | AACR |
kn´iga | kn´. | ISO |
kniha | kn. | ISO |
knjiga | knj. | AACR |
kötet | köt. | AACR |
kvartal | kvart. | ISO |
leto | l. | AACR |
Lieferung | Lfg. | AACR |
livraison | livr. | AACR |
meros (Greek) | mer. | AACR |
millimetre, -s | mm. | AACR |
neue Folge | n.F. | AACR |
new series | new ser. | AACR |
new series | n.s. | ISO |
nombor | no. | AACR |
nomor | no. | AACR |
nouveau, nouvelle | nouv. | AACR |
nouvelle série | nouv.sér. | ISO |
nova serie | nov.ser. | ISO |
nueva serie | nuev.ser. | ISO |
number, -s | no. | AACR |
numer | num. | ISO |
numer (Albanian) | nr. | AACR |
numeris | num. | AACR |
numero (Finnish) | n:o | AACR |
numéro (French) | no | AACR |
numero (Italian) | n. | AACR |
número (Spanish) | no. | AACR |
Nummer | Nr. | AACR |
nummer | nr. | ISO |
numurs | num. | ISO |
nuova serie | nuov. ser. | ISO if space is not present |
oddzial3 | oddz. | AACR |
ordinary session | ord. sess. | ISO if space is not present |
page, -s | p. | AACR |
parliament | parl. | ISO |
parlimentary session | parl. sess. | ISO if space is not present |
part, -s | pt., pts. | AACR |
parte | pt. | AACR |
partie, -s | ptie, pties | AACR |
periodos | per. | ISO |
phyllos | phyl. | ISO |
quarter | qtr. | ISO |
report | rept. | AACR |
revisé, -e | rev. | AACR |
revised | rev. | AACR |
rik | r. | ISO; |
rocník1 | roc. | AACR |
rocznik | rocz. | AACR |
rok | r. | AACR |
semestre | sem. | ISO |
série, -s | ser. | AACR |
sesit4 | ses.4 | AACR |
session | sess. | ISO |
stevilka5 | st.5 | ISO |
supplement, -s | suppl. | AACR |
szám | sz. | AACR |
svazek | sv. | ISO |
Teil, Theil | T. | AACR |
teuchos (Greek) | teuch. | AACR |
title page | t.p. | AACR |
tom | t. | ISO |
tomas | t. | ISO |
tome | t. | AACR |
tomo | t. | AACR |
tomos (Greek) | t. | AACR |
tomul | t. | AACR |
tomus | t. | AACR |
trimestre | trim. | ISO |
volum | v. | ISO |
volume, -s | v. | AACR |
vypusk | vyp. | ISO |
wydanie | wyd. | AACR |
zeszyt | zesz. | AACR |
zväzok | zv. | AACR |
zvezek | zv. | AACR |
* Captions marked AACR are listed in Appendix B of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 1998 revision.
**Captions marked ISO are compliant with the rules in ISO 832: 1994. Information and documentation -- bibliographic description and references -- Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization, 1997.
1 Diacritic "hacek" over the letter "c" in this abbreviation is missing because it cannot be represented in HTML.
2 Diacritics missing: left hook under the letter "e," and acute accents over the letters "s" and "c"--cannot be represented in HTML.
3 Diacritic missing: Letter "l" should be Polish "l"--cannot be represented in HTML.
4 Diacritic "hacek" over the second letter "s" in this abbreviation is missing because it cannot be represented in HTML.
5 Diacritic "hacek" over the first letter "s" in this abbreviation is missing because it cannot be represented in HTML.