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ScoperallScope: The Library of Congress’s Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) normally requires its member libraries to submit periodic statistics for two of its four constituent programs, NACO, BIBCO, CONSER and CONSERSACO. This document describes Cornell’s procedures for getting LC our statistics . BIBCO and CONSER stats must be submitted within a narrow time frame. If anything goes wrong either on our end or at LC that causes the deadline to be unmet, it’s just fine to submit no statistics for one period and combine the missed period in with the succeeding period in the next reportto LC.

Contact: Sarah Ross   Laura Daniels

Unit: Cataloging CMS

Date reviewed: 03/04/15last updated: April 2024

Date of next review: March 20162025



BIBCO statistics are collected twice a year, in early April and October, for the preceeding six-month period. LC staff e-mails a SurveyMonkey link to members for reporting their data.  

At the beginning of April and October, as soon as the LTS monthly statistics are available, the Cornell Bibco representative adds the total of FullPCC records for the six-month reporting period.  The numbers are then submitted to LC via the SurveyMonkey link.





The PCC's guidelines for how to input our statistics into their website can be found here.  The PCC Directory website is here. (Login information for the directory is in the LTS shared drive, along with the stats tracking spreadsheet.)

The PCC requires statistics to be submitted at least twice a year: by April 15 (for October to March statistics) and October 15 (for April to September statistics).  The website is set up for statistics to be entered every month, but it is fine to consolidate months: for example, leave the boxes for October and November blank, and input statistics for October, November and December all together in the December box.

Cornell Library generally records statistics monthly.

Note: the PCC Directory website is arranged by the Library of Congress's fiscal year, which begins in October.  Thus, statistics for the October/November/December period fall into the "fiscal year" that is one year later than the calendar year: October/November/December 2023 = Fiscal year 2024.  Once you select the fiscal year, the months will be laid out by their correct calendar year.



  • Wait until after the 10th of the month to access the previous month's statistics. (For some reason they may not be accurate before then.)
  • Go to the OCLC Statistics Portal and sign in.
  • Detailed instructions for how to use the OCLC Statistics Portal can be found here.
  • Open the "Institution" accordion tab, select "Monthly Usage Report," then "All Interfaces."
  • From the new table, select "Authority Record Actions."
  • You will see "LC Authority Adds" (that is new NARs) and "LC Authority Replaces" (that is updates to existing NARs) laid out by month.
  • Next, go back to the list of authorizations under the "Institution" and select the account for the Music Funnel (NIC-Mu) alone, 100-296-000.
  • Subtract the Music Funnel Adds from Institution totals.  Subtract the Music Funnel Replaces from the Institution totals.  These statistics are reported separately in the PCC Directory through the Music Funnel by Tracey Snyder.
  • Subtract the Hebraica Funnel adds and replaces from the Institution totals.
  • Log into the PCC Directory site using Cornell's main login (NIC). Under Institution Statistics, select Submit Statistics, then select your fiscal year.  Enter the Institution figures minus the Music and Hebraica Funnel figures on the NACO line for the applicable month.
  • Log into the PCC Directory site with the Hebraica Funnel login (NIC-HYC-FN-HB). Submit statistics for Hebraica adds and replaces only here.

 Numbers from the OCLC statistics portal are also


CONSER statistics are collected four times a year.  LC staff e-mails a SurveyMonkey link to members for reporting their data. 

At the beginning of January, April, July and October, as soon as the LTS monthly statistics are available, a designated cataloger counts the CONSER printouts on file for the preceding three-month period.  Cornell counts only the category that LC calls “Authenticated Original Records—Full/Core”; we disregard other categories.  This count is then submitted to LC via the SurveyMonkey link.


NACO does not require Cornell to collect and report statistics; the PCC collects them by automated means, presumably through harvesting 040 data from the NAF.

Cornell does keep track of NACO statistics for internal purposes.  Throughout the month, LTS catalogers place printouts of all their original and updated authority records in the bin outside the Head of Cataloging’s office.  A designated worker in Delivery and Metadata Management Services empties the bin at the end of each month and then counts the categories—numbers of original records and numbers of updates.  Law catalogers report via e-mail.  All these numbers are entered into an LTS spreadsheet available in the LTS - > "Batch_ Processing" folder, - > "BIBCO-NACO stats" file on the shared LTS L drive.  Any delete requests or printouts marked “BFM” are passed on to the NACO coordinator, who e-mails a list at LC (naco@X drive. LTS numbers are arrived at by subtracting Law and Music numbers from the total numbers. Hebraica numbers are included in the LTS count. (Login information for the directory can also be found in the shared drive.)

The NACO coordinator e-mails any delete requests/BFM to LC (, along with any other problems that have come up.   Catalogers are free to should report problems at any point in the month, but the NACO coordinator  normally consolidates all our issues into this one monthly e-mail. For further information, see the LTS document any problems at the time they are found.


BIBCO statistics come from two places.

  • A report in the LDP will identify materials with a transaction data note indicating they are original cataloging that have "pcc" in the 042 and $c or $d COO.  This report is not reliable. We have not counted these since migrating to FOLIO.
  • Open the TCEC file on Laura Daniels or Jean Pajerek's machine.  Open the file(s) for "ECIP Sent to LC."  These files are arranged by Cornell fiscal year starting in July, so they don't completely harmonize with LC's reporting scheme, but the files are clearly labelled by date.
  • Once the ECIP Sent to LC file is open, each record is precisely dated, and you can count the records for each reporting period.
  • Add the LDP report figure and the ECIP Sent to LC figure.  This is the number you submit to the PCC Directory.
  • Cornell does not track or submit statistics for what PCC calls Changed BRs, which are optional under the PCC guidelines.


CONSER statistics come from a spreadsheet the CONSER coordinator maintains. This spreadsheet also records the CONSER barcodes for use in the 010.

New authentications and updates to authenticated records are tracked here.


The NACO/SACO Coordinator keeps track of New LCSH proposals and New LCC proposals.  Catalogers should notify the NACO/SACO Coordinator if they submit either of these types of proposals.

 D AnchorDD. SACOSACO has no reporting requirements.  However, our SACO coordinator should get a copy of every submission we make (either a printout of the form before it’s submitted or the automated receipt that is generated when the submission is made).  The SACO coordinator appreciates the heads-up because  he or she may be contacted by LC in regard to the proposal: the online Subject Authority Proposal Form has a line for “Name of cataloger (Include name of SACO coordinator at this institution, if different from person submitting the proposal).”