- A minimum of 30 credit-hours of graduate coursework, 5000 level courses and above are considered graduate level.
- Twenty-eight credits must be taken for a letter grade.
- Most courses must be of a technical nature. One or two courses that are related to your overall goals for your degree but are non-technical (for example, finance) may be approved as well.
- A minimum of 12 credit-hours (not including seminar courses or MAE 6900project) of coursework in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE).
Project Requirements (additional project requirements will be discussed at Orientation)
- A design or a research project (usually taken under MAE 6900) for at least 4 and not more than 8 credits resulting in a written report.
A Project Approval Form, signed by your project advisor, is due at the end of the second week of classes of the semester you are beginning the project. For Spring semester, FridayMonday, January 30September 9. Project requirement involves receiving a grade for the course, submitting an abstract signed by the project advisor, and sending a pdf final copy of the report to the MEng CoordinatorJudy Thoroughman.
Tip Project Approval Form can be downloaded at:form
Program of Courses
Program of Courses approved by your project advisor must be submitted to the MEng Mailbox in 108 outside 322A Upson by Friday, January 30. If you have not finalized project selection by that date or are starting your project in the Spring semester your Program of Courses form can be approved by Prof. George. Any changes to the Program of Courses need to be re-approved by your project advisor Monday, September 9.
Tip Program of Courses form can be downloaded at:form
Academic Requirements
- Registration limit 20 credits per semester
- minimum 12 credit enrollment per semester
- A minimum cumulative M.Eng. GPA of 2.5.
- No grade below a C-.
- To be a student in the MEng Program for at least two semestersOne residence unit (at least one semester registered as a full-time student in the Graduate School).