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titleCornell University Library Instruction Charge
titleInformation Literacy End of year Event
Every December and May, PSEC Instruction leads an end of semester event that highlights a variety of instruction methods being taught, in addition to conducting workshops and training on how to improve instruction.  Topics include: assessment, teaching with technology, threshold concepts, and curriculum development.  Librarians working on new projects are invited to share their work with the larger instruction group.
titleCurrent Issues in Instruction
Current Issues in Instruction is a regular discussion group on topics pertaining to instruction, instructional technology and student learning both at CUL and elsewhere. Topic and readings for each date will be announced in advance and the discussion will focus on that particular reading topic. While we have a short list of possibilities, we welcome suggestions for topics and readings that address current issues (articles, reports, book chapters, blog postings, e-mail discussion threads, anything really). Send your suggestions to the programming committee.

Provide leadership to The Critical Literacies and Pedagogies Team (formerly, the Instruction Team) provides leadership for library-wide instruction initiatives, and supports CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information and related literacies (data literacy, through providing professional development opportunities, planning for allied initiatives, and advising CUL on strategies and goals. Within PSEC Instruction, tasks are divided into sub-teams: leadership, programming, assessment, technology and learning spaces, and libguides.


visual literacy, media literacy, primary source literacy), by serving as a clearinghouse for information, facilitating a community of practice, and partnering with other groups on initiatives and projects of shared import.

PSEC Instruction 20162017
CLAP Team Members


Leadership Team
  • Kelee Pacion, Chair and Life Sciences representative
  • Kelly LaVoice, incoming Chair and Specialized Business and Labor representative
  • Chris Miller, outgoing Chair and member-at-large
  • Julia Gardner, Team Co-Lead and RMC representative
  • Christian Miller, Team Co-Lead and ILR representative
  • Leah Dodd, Director SponsorMary Ochs, LDLT liaison

Cluster Reps/Liaisons

  • Jeffrey Petersen, Kroch Asia representative
  • Devin Sanera, Business, Engineering, Entrepreneurship representative 
  • Nina Scholtz, Law representative
  • TBD, Mann representative
  • TBD, Life Sciences representative
  • TBD, Fine Arts representative
  • TBD,
  • Gaby Castro Gessner, RAU liaison
  • Tony Cosgrave, Humanities and Social Sciences representative
  • Jeremy Cusker, Physical Sciences representative
  • Eric Acree, Specialized Humanities and Social Sciences representative
  • Nina ScholtzTBD,Law  Africana representative
  • Lance HeidigTBD, RMC Veterinary Library representative 


  • Emily Beran, member-at-large
  • Marcie Farwell, member-at-large
  • Maddie Reynolds, member-at-large
  • Hannah Toombs, member-at-large
  • Patricia AbrahamAliqae Geraci, member-at-large
  • Malikah HallKiran Mohammadi-Williams, member-at-large