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  • I2CC – Internet2 Cloud Connect
  • DC – Direct Connect
  • TGW – Transit Gateway
  • VPC – Virtual Private Cloud

Internet 2



Cornell uses the Internet2 Cloud Connect (I2CC) service to private provide private connectivity of Cornell networks to Azure and AWS. Cornell has multiple 100Gbps connections to Internet2. In turn I2CC has multiple 5Gbps (as of ) connections to the major cloud vendors.


  • Consolidating and simplifying configuration and management of Direct Connect for Cornell AWS accounts (compared to the previous on-campus Direct Connect architecture)
  • Improving flexibility and bandwidth of Direct Connect connectivity
  • Allowing private Cornell network traffic in AWS and Azure to flow between those clouds without transiting campus
  • Cornell campus


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  • is connected to NYSERNET/I2 via two separate physical links, each 100Gbps. One link runs to Buffalo, and one runs to New York City.
  • I2 to Azure linkage is dual connectivity, with a physical maximum of 5Gbps. The actual capability of the I2-Azure link is limited by Express Route bandwidth configuration.
  • As of January 2023, Cornell does not have a I2CC link to GCP.
  • The 5Gbps connectivity between I2 and Azure/AWS is infrastructure shared with other I2CC customers.
  • See also the physical configuration details here:!index.html

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Cross-Account Architecture

The architecture used to provide Direct Connect service to Cornell AWS accounts utilizes AWS Transit Gateways (one per AWS region) in a central AWS account (cu-cit-network) to which VPCs in Cornell AWS accounts are attached. Multiple VPCs in a single AWS account can be attached to Direct Connect in this way. 

Each VPC connected to this architecture has full connectivity to all other VPCs connected to the architecture, without need for VPC-to-VPC peering.



(VPC) Architecture

See Direct Connect Resources in Cornell AWS Accounts for details about the DC-related resources shown below.

... source: dc-arch-2023.customer.

Paths and Traffic Filtering

Inbound Traffic – From TGW to EC2 Instance




TGW Attachment
TGW Attachment Elastic Network Interface
NACL of Subnet attached to TGWoutbound rules of NACL attached to utility subnetThe NACL bound to the utility subnets allow all traffic in and out.
Route Table of Subnet attached to TGW
NACL of Subnet containing EC2 instanceinbound rules of NACL for destination subnet
EC2 Instance Security Groupinbound rules of SG
DestinationEC2 Instance Elastic Network Interface

Outbound Traffic – From EC2 Instance to TGW




SourceEC2 Instance Elastic Network Interface
EC2 Instance Security Groupoutbound rules of SG
NACL of Subnet containing EC2 instanceoutbound rules of NACL for source subnet
Route Table of Subnet containing EC2 instance
NACL of Subnet attached to TGWinbound rules of NACL attached to utility subnetThe NACL bound to the utility subnets allow all traffic in and out.
TGW Attachment Elastic Network Interface
TGW Attachment


The 2023 Direct Connect architecture supports DC connectivity in multiple, but limited AWS regions. Transit Gateways are are regional, but TGWs in different regions can be peered. We use the TGW in us-east-1 as a "hub" and consider the TGWs in other regions as "spokes". This allows any VPC connected to any TGW to reach any other connected VPC. The TGWs in each region receive Direct Connect connectivity by connecting to a single Direct Connect Gateway (DCGW) which has a global footprint and can support TGW connections in any region. Technically, each DCGW is limited to attaching to no more than 3 TGWs. However, Cornell has received a special allowance that allows 5-6 TGW attachments per DCGW.

The cost to Cornell of supporting TGWs in each region is about $864 region/yr.
