- Usually address it to the PI. Might state something like these examples:
Subject: Sponsored NetID expiring: NetID for Firstname Lastname
Oliver reporting: I am creating a new ticket to document decisions related to expiring Sponsored NetID. More info coming soon, -Oliver.Subject: Renewing Sponsored NetID.
Oliver reporting: I am creating a new ticket to document decision related to an expiring Sponsored NetID. Per PI's in-person request, the NetID was is being renewed for a year:
Firstname Lastname <NetID>(NetID)
See <(https://confluence.cornell.edu/x/L4vLDQ> for details) for details.
- Note: Our IT web forms will toss any angle brackets, and anything inside them. So if using that form, don' t type something like, <NetID>!
From within Remedy, provide PI (faculty members) with context and explicit action needed
From the just-created Remedy ticket, send the PI the following info:
Via reply, please let me know if you want, or don't need, to re-Sponsor the following NetID:
NetID for Firstname Lastname
It is due to expire at the end of this month, on xxx.
Lulu recently checked their use of the cluster and reports that their last access time was xx. And they have yy GB data in his directory.
Here is the justification from last year, to confirm or modify, if an extension is required:
(Copy prior business purpose.)
Thank you, -Oliver.
Get reply from PI verbally or in writing