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  • Start out focusing on the positive lessons learned - what went well
  • Be prepared to discuss specific problems (problem, perceived cause, what should have been done differently)
  • For large projects, don't do it only at the end of the project - do LL at various key milestones
  • Develop standard LL templates for online surveys

You can conduct


surveys using questions selected from the following

Sample Questions for Lessons Learned Sessions


Mid-Project Lessons Learned


  • General
    • List top significant project successes? (keep to a manageable number)
    • What obstacles or unanticipated circumstances made it difficult to complete the project?
    • Based on what you know now, what should have been done differently in this project?
  • Communications
    • Were communications adequate in all activities? (right time, right audience, right information, right type)  If not, in what ways could communications be improved?
    • Was documentation appropriate, timely, and clear?  If not, what should be included for future efforts?
  • Project Management
    • What value did project management bring to the project? 
  • Project Planning
    • How well was the project staffed to complete the project?
    • How well was the project planned?
    • How well were roles and responsibilities defined?
    • How well was stakeholder input factored into the project planning process?
  • Project Execution
    • How well did we execute according to plan?
    • How well were the stakeholders involved in the execution of the project? 
    • How well were issues resolved?
    • How well did the teams/sub-teams work together?
  • Testing
    • Was adequate testing performed (if applicable)?  If not, what should be done differently next time?
  • Cutover
    • Was cutover planned well?  Executed well?  If not, what should be done differently next time?

Additional questions


you may want to consider

  • Project Planning
    • Was the project plan realistic or unrealistic?
    • Did the planning effort include key stakeholders?
    • Were all major activities accounted for?
    • Did the individual team members responsible for the work provide the estimates?
    • Were appropriate staff involved in the planning effort?
    • Do you believe the technology PM applied provided a better ulimate outcome for this project?
  • Communications
    • Were communications effective?
    • Were meetings effective?
    • Were expectations clear?
    • Did you know where to go to get information about the project?
    • Did communications go to the right people, at the right time?
    • Were communications with our consultant effective?
    • Did we escalate effectively and at the right time?
    • Were issues dealt with effectively?
  • Staffing, Roles, and Responsibilities
    • Were people appropriately assigned to the project?
    • Was staffing sufficient?
    • Were roles and responsibilities clear?
    • Did team members and stakeholder fulfill their roles appropriately?
    • Was leadership and governance effective?
    • Have you participated in this type of technology project before?
  • Project Execution
    • Was the project executed according to plan?
    • Was there an appropriate level of commitment and urgency?
    • Was change management performed appropriately?
    • Was risk management performed appropriately?
    • Was issue management performed appropriately
    • Would you recommend this technology PM service to a peer?
    • Was the project flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen circumstances?
    • Did the project unduly stray from identified goals and objectives?
    • How well were scope changes managed
  • Teamwork
    • Did the teams/sub-teams work effectively together?
    • Did the teams share a common goal/mission?
    • All stakeholders were appropriately engaged, involved, and available?
  • Cutover
    • Was the cutover successful?
    • Was the cutover well planned?
    • Were cutover communications effective?
  • Anything else?
    • What tools or techniques worked well?
    • How well did the project meet objectives?

End of Document

Irina Naydich

  • What worked well either for this project or for the project team?
  • What did not work well either for this project or for the project team?
  • What needs to be done over or differently?
  • What surprises did the team have to deal with?
  • What project circumstances were not anticipated?
  • Were the project goals attained? If not, what changes need to be made to meet goals in the future?
  • List top three significant project successes.
  • Other notable project successes.
  • Project shortcomings and Solutions.

Micci Bogard

Space for Micci

Lisa Stensland

Survey Questions from PS 8.9 Upgrade

These questions were used in an on-line survey and folks had to answer on a scale from 1-5 (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree) except where otherwise noted.

  • Overall, this project was a success.
  • I would want to be involved in another project of this nature.
  • Project successes were recognized.
  • (Open-Ended) What factors most contributed to the success of this project?
  • (Open-Ended) What was difficult or frustrating in this project that we could have prevented?
  • (Open-Ended) Based on what you know now, what should have been done differently in this project?


  • The project manager was involved at the right level of the project.
  • The lead for my area was involved at the right level of the project.
  • The lead for my area clearly defined assignments.
  • The lead for my area kept me well informed of the project status.
  • Issues raised to the project leadership were addressed appropriately.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • For the overall project, I received the right information from the right people at the right time.
  • Within my area, I received the right information from the right people at the right time.
  • Meetings I attended regarding the project were useful.
  • Project status reports were useful.
  • I knew where to go to get information on the project.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • The users of the PeopleSoft system were adequately involved in this project.
  • The PeopleSoft directors were adequately involved in this project.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose
    • ?


  • I was adequately involved in the planning process.
  • Being involved in the project planning was beneficial for me.
  • The project planning effort resulted in a realistic plan.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • Management of project scope was effective.
  • Management of project budget was effective.
  • Management of project schedule was effective.
  • Management of project resourcing was effective.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • Roles and responsibilities were clearly defined.
  • Staffing in my area was sufficient for this project.
  • The appropriate people were assigned to the tasks in my area.
  • My ideas and concerns were fairly addressed.
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • The project schedule was clearly defined.
  • Adjustments to the schedule were made when needed.
  • I knew what I needed to do and by when.
  • I received deliverables from my co-workers in a timely manner.
  • I was able to do my work at a comfortable pace.


  • Developing the test strategy was valuable.
  • Developing the test plan was valuable.
  • The system/parallel testing effort was well-coordinated.
  • The system/parallel testing effort throughly covered all areas.
  • The system/parallel testing effort prevented major surprises from arising in production.
  • Issues uncovered in testing were escalated to CIT effectively.
  • Issues uncovered in testing were resolved promptly.
  • Issues uncovered in testing were resolved correctly.
  • (Open-Ended) In what areas should we have tested more?
  • (Open-Ended) In what areas did we spend too much time testing?
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?


  • For cutover weekend, planning was done well.
  • For cutover weekend, execution was done well.
  • For cutover weekend, communication was done well.
  • I was prepared to do my job on Day 1.
  • I was able to do my job on Day 1 without any major issues.


  • We have now been in production with PeopleSoft 8.9 for about 2 months. Compared to what you expected, how is the system quality and reliability? (Possible answers: "Better than I expected", "About what I expected", "Worse than I expected")
  • (Open-Ended) What details, if any, would you like to provide regarding the answers you chose?

More generic survey questions

This set of questions was used for a Blackboard Upgrade project. Again, feedback was collected via online survey.

For each topic listed below, 3 questions were asked:

  • What went well?
  • What didn't go well?
  • What would you do differently?
