Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Unit: Serials Management

Date last updated: 05 12/068/20123

Date of next review: May 2022 Dec. 2024


A. Line Item


If a record exists in OCLC, import the record into FOLIO by taking the following steps:

  1. From Inventory, click Actions Import
  2. Enter the OCLC number you wish to import, then click Import
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  3. Once the record has been uploaded, click Actions from the righthand panel → Edit Instance
  4. Click Suppress from discovery (catalogers will unsuppress once it's been cataloged) 
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  5. Click Add administrative note, enter the following information to indicate that this record is in a pre-cataloged state: date:YYYYMMDD ttype:mpre userid:[enter your userid] ploc:lts
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  6. Click Save and close


B. Creating a Holdings Record

  1. Click Add holdings
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  2. Click Suppress from discovery
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  3. Under Location Permanent*, select LTS Review Shelves from the drop-down menu (this indicates that it's being placed on the selector's shelf in 110 for review)
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  4. In the Call number field, write DECISION PENDING
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  5. Under Holdings notes, select Note as note type, write a brief description of what is being done with the sample issue (for example, if it's being placed on a specific selector's shelf), and check the Staff only box (indicating that patrons will not be able to see this note)
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  6. Click Save and close


C. Routing

Place issue received on the appropriate selector's review shelf in 110 Olin, along with the Decision Flyer filled out with the Instance HRID and print out of newly imported Instance record


B. Bibliographic Record  

Display the bibliographic record and suppress from OPAC

  C. Holdings Record

Display Holdings Record:


D. Routing

Send issue received to the selector, along with the Decision Flyer.