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Date          Type            PresenterFaculty backupTopic              Readings                                                                                        Questions/Notes                                                                                                                             


Pathophysiology of sepsis.pdf

The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Sepsis.pdf

Clinical and immunologic assessment of sepsis and the systemic inflammatory response syndrome in cats.pdf


Pathophysiology of Sepsis.docx

BR Questions sepsis.docx

QUESTION sepsis BR1.docx

Jul 20




Required readings:

NEJM The Pathogenesis of Vasodilatory Shock.pdf

Pathophysiology of Septic Shock.pdf

NEJM Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.pdf

Additional Readings


Sepsis induced myocardial dysfunction.pdf


The Impact of the Sepsis-3 Septic Shock Definition.pdf

Pathophysiologic mechanisms in septic shock.pdf


Lit Review 1 (Veterinary)

Evaluation of Serum NT-CNP in Septic Dogs.pdf

Prospecitve APPLE score in dogs with SIRS.pdf

Tissue Perfusion Parameters in dogs with Sepsis in response to Goal Directed.pdf

BR Questions 7.27.docx

Sepsis vet lit.docx


Lit Review 2 (Human, including surviving sepsis 3.0)

The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3).pdf

International Sepsis Definitions Conference.pdf

Definitions for Sepsis and Organ Failure and Guidelines for the Use of Innovative Therapies in Sepsis.pdf

Sepsis BR 8-3-17.pdf
Aug 10BRSRDFSepsis/SIRSParvovirus


2006 Ogeer Gyles et al. JVECC - Nosocomial infections and antimicrobial resistance.pdf

2013 Ruple Czerniak et al. JVIM - Surveillance for HAI.pdf


2009 Black et al JVECC Culture patterns in ICU.pdf

2013 Hamilton Kruger et al. JAVMA Acquisition of MDR bacteria in dogs and cats.pdf

2014 Traa Barboza et al. Crit Care Med - Horizontal Infection Control for MRSA.pdf

Aug 31practiceResidents IVECCSPractice 
Sep 7practiceResidents IVECCSPractice 
Sep 14noneResidents IVECCSNashville, TN 
Sep 21PresentationsResidents IVECCSWhat I learned at IVECCS
Sep 26BRDFDFRespiratory 
Oct 3Vent SimDF/RG  Fix the vent scenarios 
Oct 5Vent SimDF/RG  Advanced simulations 1 
Oct 10Vent SimDF/RG  Advanced simulations 2 
Oct 12BRRGRGRespiratory

Respiratory physiology

West physiology pt 1

Oct 17BRRG Respiratory

Respiratory physiology

West physiology pt 2

Oct 19Vent SimDF/RG RespiratoryCPBC Vent Prep 
Oct 24noneCPBC    
Oct 26noneCPBC    
Oct 31BRMCJMRespiratoryUpper airway disease (BAS, laryngeal and trach dz)

Upper airway BR.docx

2010 Johnson et al. JVIM - Tracheal Collapse and Bronchomalacia.pdf

2011 Rancan et al. AJVR - Cytokines and Nitric Oxide in BOAS.pdf

2016 Liu et al. JVIM - Whole Body Plethysmography in BOAS.pdf

2017 Rosenheck et al. JAAHA - Endoluminal Stenting in Canine Tracheal Collapse.pdf


2011 Senn et al. JVECC - Postop Nastracheal Oxygen Supplementation.pdf 



Upper respiratory question.docx

Nov 2BRPMDFRespiratory
No 7Mock Exam   Repro, Infectious dz, Antimicrobials, Sepsis/SIRS 
Nov 9BRJWRGRespiratory

Pyothorax; lung lobe torsion

Lung Lobe Torsion_Compendium 2011_Gicking.pdf

Pyothorax Review_JVECC 2015_ Letendre.pdf



Nov 14BREZ (presentation) RespiratorySmoke inhilation/CO tox, o2 tox, res toxins 
Nov 16Lit Review    
Nov 21BRMP (Presentation)JMRespiratoryARDS/ALI
Nov 23Holiday   Thanksgiving 
Nov 28Benchmarks MCQ     

Nov 30

Dec 5M&M    
Dec 7BRMCRGRespiratory


Vet Clinics 2007 - Advances in respiratory imaging.pdf

Vet Clin 2013 - Ultrasound for Dogs and Cats in the Emergency Room.pdf

JAVMA 2017 Lung ultrasound for dx of cardiogenic pulmonary edema.pdf

Vet Radiology 2017 - Thoracic rads as a screening test.pdf

Respiratory imaging BR.pdf
Dec 12Journal ClubJW  McDevitt_et_al-2011-Journal_of_Veterinary_Emergency_and_Critical_Care.pdfMcDevitt et al 2011.doc
Dec 14BREZGSRespiratory

Pulm mech, function testing, sampling

(King ch. 17-19, 21, 23-24)

Dec 19Lit Review    
Dec 21BRMPRGRespiratoryPharmacology
Dec 26Holiday   Non-denominational appreciation day 
Dec 28Holiday   Non-denominational appreciation day follow-up and reflection 
Jan 2BRSRDFRespiratory

Respiratory Monitoring

Chapters 21,22,26 from Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for SAECC.

Jan 4BRMP  

PDT practice

Jan 9BRJWGSRespiratory

Thoracic Trauma (contusion, hernia, pneumo, flail chest)

pneumothorax review.pdf

ventilation for thoracic trauma.pdf

Jan 11BREZ (Presentation)DFRespiratoryNon-cardiogenic pulmonary edema and Pulmonary hypertension 
Jan 16BR   Resident selection and respiratory equation problems 
Jan 18BRPM (Presentation) RespiratoryVentilator waveforms pt 1 
Jan 23CancelledCancelled    
Jan 25BR



 RespiratoryVentilator waveforms pt 2 
Jan 30BRMP RespLiterature Review
Feb 1Lit ReviewResidents  Literature Review
Feb 6AllAll BusinessSchedules/Interns/Structure 
Feb 8AllAll BusinessFollow-up 
Feb 13BRMCRGRenalRose Ch 1-2 Summary.docx
Feb 15BRJWDFRenalPhysiology Rose ch 3

Rose chapter 3 – proximal tubule.docx

rose chapter 3 part 2.docx

Feb 20Journal ClubMP  
Feb 22BRSR/JWGSRenalPhysiology Rose ch 4-5Chapter 4 – Loop of Henle.docx
Feb 27CPR TrainingDJF  

Part 1 of CPR training certification

Mar 1BRCancelled   


Mar 6BREZRGRenalPhysiology Rose ch 6Chapter 6 Rose.docx
Mar 8BRMCDFRenalPhysiology Rose ch 8Rose Ch 8 Summary.docx
Mar 13Vent SimDF/RG    
Mar 15Vent SimDF/RG    
Mar 20Vent SimDF/RG    
Mar 22BRMP (Presentation) Renal

AKI/ARF including therapeutics

KDIGO Guidelines 2012.pdf

ppt in box
Mar 27BRJW (Presentation) RenalToxins and nephrotoxic drugs 

ppt in box

Mar 29BRPMJMRenal


Apr 3BRMC (presentation) RenalLepto/Lyme 
Apr 5CPR TrainingDF ALS****3pm to 6pm***** 
Apr 10M&MPM    
Apr 12BRSRGSRenalHD/PD/CRRT pt 2 
Apr 17Mock Exam   Renal And Respiratory 
Apr 19BRMCJMNeuroPhysiology Ganong ch 2-4 
Apr 24M&MJW    
Apr 26BRMPRGNeuro 

Intermittent Hemodialysis for Small Animals.pdf

Clinical Review of Peritoneal Dialysis.pdf


For funsies:

Vascular Access for Extracorporeal Renal Replacement Therapy in Veterinary Patients.pdf

Renal Replacement Therapy and Blood Purification in Critical Care.pdf

Extracorporeal Removal of Drugs and Toxins.pdf

Peritoneal Dialysis in Veterinary Medicine.pdf

Current Techniques in PD JVECC 2013.pdf

Urea Kinetics and Intermittent Dialysis Prescription in Small Animals.pdf

Anticoagulation in Intermittent Hemodialysis- Pathways, Protocols, and Pitfalls.pdf

Long Term Outcome of Animals with AKI, Treated with IHD.pdf


Apr 3BRMC (presentation) RenalLepto/Lyme

Lyme borrelisosis.pptx


JVIM 2011 Lepto guidlines.pdf

JVIM 2018 Lyme consensus update.pdf

Apr 5CPR TrainingDF ALS****3pm to 6pm*****Cancelled 
Apr 10M&MPM   PPT in Box
Apr 12BRSRGSRenalHD/PD/CRRT pt 2 
Apr 17Mock Exam   Renal And Respiratory 
Apr 19BRMCJMNeuro

Physiology Ganong ch 2-4

Ganong Ch 4-6.pdf

Ganong Neurophysiology Review.docx
Apr 24 May 1Journal ClubEZ   
May 3BREZDFNeuro

TBI pt 1

Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension NEJM.pdf

Traumatic brain injury a review of pathophysiology and management jvecc.pdf

And pick 1:

Chapter 20 in Small Animal Neurological Emergencies by Simon Platt and Laurent Garosi (available online from Cornell's Library)


Head-Trauma Management in practical guide to canine and feline neurology by Dewey and da Costa.pdf


May 8M&M     
Inter-service pain discussion
Apr 26BRMPRGNeuro
May 1Lit reviewAll  


May 3BREZMay 10BRJWDFNeuro


p 2
May 15Lit Review     
May 17BRPMRGNeuroSeizures and anticonvulsants 


May 8M&MMay 22Journal ClubMC    M&M Bianca.pptx
May 2410BRSR (presentation) NeuroNeuropathies/NMJ 
May 29M&M     
Jun 5Benchmarks MCQ     

TBI p 2 (lit review)

nejm craniectomy.pdf

CT prognosis scoring.pdf

hyperosmolar therapy CCM.pdf


TBI lit review.pdf
May 15JCMC  

SMART trial.pdf


SALT-ED Trial.pdf

May 17BRPMRGNeuro

Seizures and anticonvulsants

Chapter 98 Seizures and Status Epilepticus.pdf

Handbook of Veterinary Neurology- Seizures.pdf this is long, so pick through the important/relevant bits

2015 ACVIM Small Animal Consensus Statement on Seizure Management in Dogs.pdf


For fun:

Seizures Following Head Trauma.pdf

Seizures in Cats After Head Trauma.pdf

BR 5:17 Seizures.pdf
May 22Journal ClubEZ  
May 24





May 29Vent SimVent Sim    
May 31Vent SimVent Sim    
Jun 5

Vent Stim

Vent Sim    
Jun 7M&MJW  NG TubesPPT in box
Jun 12BRSR (presentation) NeuroNeuropathies/NMJ 
Jun 14BRMCJMNeuro


JVIM 2013 - IVDD Review Jeffery et al..pdf

JAVMA 2016 Factors associated with recovery from paraplegia in dogs with loss of deep pain IVDD - Jeffery et al..pdf

JAVMA 2012 Aikawa et al.- Long term outcome following hemilam.pdf


Vet Surg 2007 Levine et al - Medical management for TL IVDD.pdf

Vet Surg 2007 Levine et al - Medical management of cervical IVDD.pdf

JAAHA 2014 - Upper Thoracic Disc Disease in Large breed dogs.pdf

Jun 19Jun 7BRMPRGShock/Trauma 
Jun 1221BRMC (Presentation) Shock/TraumaPhysiology of shock 
Jun 1426BRJW (Presentation) Shock/TraumaPhysiology of lactate 
Jun 19Vent SimVent Sim    
Jun 21Vent SimVent Sim    
Jun 26Vent SimVent Sim    
Jun 28BRSR (Presentation) 

