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titleCornell University Library Instruction Charge

The Critical Literacies and Pedagogies Team (formerly, the Instruction Team) provides leadership for library-wide instruction initiatives, and supports CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information and related literacies (data literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, primary source literacy), by serving as a clearinghouse for information, facilitating a community of practice, and partnering with other groups on initiatives and projects of shared import.

titleCLAP Team Members 2024-2025
 Leadership Team
  • Julia Gardner, Team Co-Lead and RMC representative
  • Christian Miller, Team Co-Lead and ILR representative
  • Leah Dodd, Director Sponsor

Cluster Reps/Liaisons

  • Jeffrey Petersen, Kroch Asia representative
  • Devin Sanera, Business, Engineering, Entrepreneurship representative 
  • Nina Scholtz, Law representative
  • TBD, Mann representative
  • TBD, Life Sciences representative
  • TBD, Fine Arts representative
  • TBD, Humanities and Social Sciences representative
  • TBD, Africana representative
  • TBD, Veterinary Library representative 


  • Emily Beran, member-at-large
  • Marcie Farwell, member-at-large
  • Maddie Reynolds, member-at-large
  • Hannah Toombs, member-at-large
  • Patricia Abraham, member-at-large
  • Kiran Mohammadi-Williams, member-at-large
Wiki Markup
\\ {search-box}{section}{column:width=40} [Books and Articles|instruct:Books and Articles] [Resources|Resources] * [Library Instruction Partner Program|instruct:Library Instruction Partner Program] * [instruct:LibGuides] * [instruct:Clickers] * [instruct:Ideas and Needs from Instructors] [Instruction Committee Web Page|] [PSEC Instruction Committee Meeting Minutes|Minutes] Subcommittee: [Library Knowledge Sharing Systems Committee|] (LibGuides committee) \\ {column}{column:width=60} {blog-posts:5|time=14d|content=titles} \\ \\ {panel:title=Excerpt from Middle States Standards of Excellence |borderStyle=solid} Excerpt from *Reaccreditation Standard 11*: "....Several skills, collectively referred to as "information literacy," apply to all disciplines in an institution's curricula. These skills relate to a student's competency in acquiring and processing information in the search for understanding, whether that information is sought in or through the facilities of a library, through practica, as a result of field experiments, by communication with experts in professional communities, or by other means. Therefore, information literacy is an essential component of any educational program at the graduate or undergraduate levels. These skills include the ability to: • determine the nature and extent of needed information; • access information effectively and efficiently • evaluate critically the sources and content of information • incorporate selected information in the learner's knowledge base and value system; • use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose; • understand the economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of information and information technology; and • observe laws, regulations, and institutional policies related to the access and use of information. Closely tied to information literacy is the need for technological competency at all levels within an institution and its curricula. .... institutions should provide both students and instructors with the knowledge, skills,and tools needed to use the information, new technology, and media for their studies, teaching, or research. " {panel}{column}{section}