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This document provides practical information about using a AWS either the Multitenant Subnets or Exclusive Use Subnets options of the Shared VPC offering once its has been provisioned to your Cornell AWS account.

Best Practices

  • Use Security Groups applied to resources deployed in the Shared VPC to restrict ingress to those resources, even by traffic from the local VPC and subnets. You don't want to be affected by something dumb another team does when they are using the Shared VPC.
  • When deploying replicas of a specific resource, be sure to spread them out across multiple subnets (and thus multiple AZs).
  • Be especially careful about configuring resources that automatically scale up (e.g., EC2 Auto Scaling Groups).
  • If you are managing Elastic Network Interfaces directly, be sure to delete them once they are no longer needed.
  • Don't change the tags that "come with" the shared resources. But, feel free to add additional tags as you see fit. See Tagging below for more information.

What You'll See


The resources shared in the context of the Shared VPC offerings are extensively tagged in order to provide helpful information to users. This tagging is maintained by a process that regularly resets the tag values if they are changed.

Except for the "Name" tag, all other tags used by the Shared VPC offerings are prefixed by "cit:". Any tags that you add will remain unchanged.

Tags Added to Most Shared Resources

Tag KeyTag ValueDescription
NamevariesAcross the Shared VPC offerings, resource names are constructed to be clear and have uniform structure.
cit:contact-emailcloud-support@cornell.eduWhere to direct questions about the resource.
cit:descriptionvariesProse description of the resource
cit:documentation-url the resource is more completely documented.
cit:deploymentshared-vpcThis tag identifies the resource as being part of the Shared VPC offering.
cit:namevariesGenerally duplicates the value of the "Name" tag.

Multitenant Subnet Resources




There is one private Subnet for each AZ.

cornell-shared-vpc/private-use1-azNIdentifies the subnet as belonging to the cornell-shared-vpc and further in which AZ it resides. Note the use of AZ IDs (which are consistent across accounts) not AZ names (which are not consistent across accounts).
cit:nat-gateway-public-ipv4-addresssee below

This is the public IP address that is attached to the NAT Gateway servicing this private subnet. 

This Public IP address will remain unchanged for the life of the subnet.

cit:subnet-typeprivate-mulitenantIdentifies the subnet as belonging to the Multitenant Subnets offering.

Route Tables

There is one Route Table for each AZ.

cornell-shared-vpc/private-use1-azNIdentifies the route table as belonging to the cornell-shared-vpc and further the AZ which it serves. Note the use of AZ IDs (which are consistent across accounts) not AZ names (which are not consistent across accounts).
cit:az-iduse1-azNAZ served by the route table.

Network ACLs

A single Network ACL serves all the subnets.

cornell-shared-vpc/baselineIdentifies the Network ACL as the Cornell baseline NACL. See Baseline AWS Network ACL.

Exclusive Use Subnet Resources

Exclusive Subnets live in the same VPC as the Multitenant Subnets. They also use the same Network ACLs, Route Tables, and NAT Gateways.

If customer AWS account uses only the Exclusive Use Subnets offering and not the Multitenant Subnets offering, only the relevant Network ACLs and route tables will be visible in the customer account. The multitenant subnets will not be visible.


There will be one private subnet per AZ configured for each specific set of exclusive subnets.

LABEL/private-use1-azNEach subnet contains the LABEL configured for the set and the ID of the AZ where the subnet resides.
cit:nat-gateway-public-ipv4-addresssee below

This is the public IP address that is attached to the NAT Gateway servicing this private subnet. 

This Public IP address will remain unchanged for the life of the subnet.


This is a comma-separated list of the AWS account IDs with which the subnet is shared. E.g., "123456789012,111222333444"

cit:subnet-typeprivate-exclusiveIdentifies the subnet as belonging to the Exclusive Use Subnets offering.

What You Won't See

NAT Gateways

The NAT Gateways used by the Shared VPC offerings are not visible from customer AWS accounts. However, the Route Tables that are visible do properly show which NAT Gateway they use. Due to this lack of visibility, we have provided tagging on private subnets that shows the public IP address for the NAT Gateway used by that subnet. Traffic to the internet from a subnet will appear to be coming from that IP address.


Availability Zone

NAT Gateway

Public IP Address

