Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Searching for and selecting a serial to check-in

1. Begin in the Receiving app

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2. Search by title, ISSN, PO number or HRID using the Keyword search function, which is generally the easiest search method as it includes all options following it in the drop-down menu

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3. After searching and locating the title you are checking in, click on the title from the larger panel. If several locations appear, choose the line with the appropriate location. A third panel to the right-hand side of the screen will appear.
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Here relevant check-in information is displayed, particularly the Receiving note, where the most relevant information in terms of check-in is shown (i.e. location, call number, check-in notes).

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Receiving an Issue

1. Click Actions followed by Add piece in the Expected field of the third panel.
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2. The Edit piece box will pop up. Enter the enumeration/chronology of the issue you are receiving. Click Quick receive.
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The issue will then appear in the Received field:

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NOTE: An alternative to entering the enumeration/chronology manually would be to click on a previously received issue (in the Received field), copy the Caption information, and click Cancel. Then under Expected, click Actions, Add piece, paste into the Caption field, edit as needed and click Quick receive.


Adding an issue to the holdings receipt history in Inventory

1. As of February 2024, there is no direct connection between the Receiving and Inventory apps. In order for issues to be publicly displayed in Blacklight and discoverable by patrons, they must also be added to the Receiving history in the holdings record through the Inventory app.

2. Navigate to the Instance record in Inventory by right-clicking the title at the top of the record in the Receiving app and opening the link in a new tab. This will make copying the enumeration and chronology easier later on.
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3. Opening the link will bring you to the Instance record in the Inventory app. Find the holdings related to the appropriate location. Click on View holdings.
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4. Click Actions near the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
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5. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click Add receiving history.
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6. Copy/paste or type caption from the Receiving app into the enumeration/chronology fields in the holdings Receiving historyThe Public display toggle should be checked, since we are only adding current issues of a serial to the Receiving history (this is a similar function to the Display in OPAC column in Voyager Acquisitions).
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NOTE: As of November '22, the functionality requires us to list publicly displayed issues in ascending order by chronology and NOT the order in which issues are received. The most recent issues should be listed at the bottom.

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Remember to Save and Close when finished editing the record.


Consolidation of Receipt history

1. As we begin to build up a check-in history in the Receiving app, note that multiple consecutive issues can be consolidated onto one line.

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2. Multiple issues should be consolidated onto one line in the Receiving history in the Inventory app.

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Adding a completed volume to holdings

1. When all issues in a volume have been received, the holdings statement should be updated to include the completed volume.

2. To do so, make sure you’re in edit mode by clicking Actions at the top right corner of the screen in the holdings record and select Edit. 

3. Scroll to the Holdings statement and add the completed volume. Click Save & close.

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NOTE: The Holdings statement should be consolidated to as few lines as possible. Separate lines should only be created for incomplete volumes and changes in enumeration/chronology (ex. going from Arabic to Roman numerals, new series, etc.).

4. Once you’ve added the volume to the holdings statement, delete the publicly displayed issues by clicking the trashcan(s) to the right of the enum./chron. field(s). There’s no need to uncheck the Public display box, since you’re deleting the lines. Note that publicly displayed issues will only be populating this field.
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How to process serials to be barcoded

1. For individual serial issues that are barcoded (annual volumes, titles sent to the Annex, etc.), a similar process of checking in a serial applies with a few exceptions. Vols. that will be getting an item record should be checked-in in the Receiving app and added to the holdings statement in Inventory. You can skip adding the volume to the Receiving history in Inventory/holdings, since you’ll be adding it directly to the holdings statement.

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2. Add the volume and year to the holdings statement in Inventory.
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3. Click Save and close when done. Click the X in the upper left-hand corner to exit the holdings record, which will bring you back to the Instance.


Creating an item record

1. From the Instance record, click on Add item.
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2. Fill in relevant information including Barcode and Material type (required).
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3. Scrolling down will bring you to Permanent loan type which is also a required field.
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4. Do not fill in the Location fields, either Permanent or Temporary. Simply leave the drop-down menus as "Select location," which is the equivalent to blank. Selecting a location other than the holdings record location selected may corrupt the location that's printed on the spine label and how it appears in Blacklight, which is why it is best to leave these fields blank.
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5. When done filling in the appropriate fields, click Save and close.

6. From the Instance record, clicking Chronology in the Item records display will allow you to sort chronologically. This will allow you to see the item record you just created.
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A pending purchase order has been created



Add POL and fill all required fields
Make sure "Manually add pieces for receiving" is checked
Make sure "Create inventory" for the POL format selected is Instance, holding, item
Click save
Open purchase order
Select the POL
Click Receive button in the POL action menu (Note must be viewing POL record NOT PO)
Select title in receiving UI (Note: You should arrive in receiving ui with POL number populated in search box and related titles in search results)
Click 'Add piece' button in expected accordion on the Title record
Fill required fields
Select a location using location Lookup (If necessary)
Toggle "Create item" checkbox
Click Save and close to dismiss modal
Click the piece again
See "Connected" hyperlink appears under "Create item" heading in edit piece modal
Click hyperlink

Note: Do not receive the piece yet

Expected results:


NOTE: An alternative to adding a new item record from scratch is to duplicate an existing item record and edit the enumeration/chronology to match the volume you are creating an item record for.
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