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Find the alumni record you want to update.

Choose the Biographic/Demographic link.

The “Update Alumni Information” form has 3 sections (Home, Work and Personal) to enter changes.

Best address and Preferred address are not the same:

  • Preferred address is indicated by the alum (or their representative).
  • Best address is computed by the system when no preferred address is indicated.

-------------------------------------------------- Home ---------------------------------------------------

Checking the checkbox on the "Remove home info:" line will instruct the processors to remove all the home info from PeopleSoft.

Report any changes to the alumni's home address, phone number and email on the appropriate line(s).

You do not have to fill all the fields. For example: If the only thing that has changed is the street address, you  can enter the new street address and nothing else. 

-------------------------------------------------- Work ---------------------------------------------------

Checking the checkbox on the "Remove work info:" line will instruct the processors to remove all the work info from PeopleSoft.

Report any changes to the alumni's  job title, company name, work address, phone number and email on the appropriate line(s).

You do not have to fill all the fields. For example: If the only thing that has changed is the street address, you  can enter the new street address and nothing else. 

-------------------------------------------------- Personal Info ---------------------------------------------------



Image Added

Image Removed 



The upper two sections will upload the new information to PeopleSoft. In this section and the Job Title in the Work section all changes will be entered manually by processors directly into PeopleSoft.

Name change: enter the change in the Comments box

Add or Remove spouse: enter comment the change in Comments box

Website: enter website address

Cell Phone: enter new cell phone 

Preferred Address:  choices are No change, Work, Home, and *Other

Other is when the preferred address in not home or work, but a third address.  

* Do not enter address info into the home or work sections if the preferred address type is Other. Enter the address into the Comments box instead.

NEW! The Add Spouse, Remove Spouse check boxes are now incorporated into the new section below under relationships. This allows you to report any relationships including spouses in this section, as well as make changes to constituent type, service indicator, and involvement codes.

Add, Remove, Change:  

  • Relationships
  • Constituent Type
  • Service Indicator
  • Involvement Codes



For example: To add a new relationship, check the Add Relationships box, then enter the relationship type, the person's name, and their Netid or Common id (if they have a record) in the comments box.

If you have multiple changes, make sure to provide all the relevant details in the comments box.


Comments:  This is only for information not allowed for in the upper 2 sections. Do not enter any change of address info unless the preferred address is other.   Max 200 characters.

The Comments box is restricted to 200 characters. If you paste into the box and it's more than 200, the rest of your comment will be cut off.

Image AddedHovering over one of these will give you more information about that specific selection.

If you have multiple changes, make sure to provide all the relevant details in the comments box. 

-------------------------------------------------- Finish the form ---------------------------------------------------


"Cancel" button will erase all your entries in the form and return you to the alum's bio/demo page.

"Submit Changes" button will pass changes entered to be processed.