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This page collects training and learning resources for tools that are often used in conjunction with AWS, Azure, and other cloud platforms. See Cloud Services Training for upcoming on-campus training opportunities.

Table of Contents


By Source

A Cloud Guru  ( a Pluralsight company ) 

We have a limited set of seats available in A Cloud Guru (ACG). Details at A Cloud Guru

LinkedIn learning ( with content ) 

The Cornell community has free access to Details at

AWS-related content at Lynda:

By Topic




  • interactive: 
  • video-based training
    • Git Tutorial for Beginngers
      • Widget Connector
      • 8JJ101D3knE
    • LinkedIn Learning Git courses: Cloud Guru:
      • search?keywords=git
      • Some feedback from a CIT staffer about Lynda's Git Essential Training in January 2017.
        • 'I ... thought it was a pretty decent overview. It certainly filled in some gaps for me; I had previous experience with setting up and managing repositories with git but I was by no means an expert. The class was primary videos, with no real "stop here and do an exercise" components. I created my own setup locally to mirror what the class was doing and frequently paused the videos to play around with things they briefly touched on or may have (in my opinion) glossed over. Overall, I think it was a good intro to git and worth the time invested. I would still like to know more, mainly the underlying storage formatting/chunking in bare repos and how to deal with things when they go wrong or get corrupted. I did have an issue where the class seems to be stuck at 99% completion. I watched the videos, took the two quizzes and submitted the post-class feedback. There's no obvious indication on the course page as to what piece(s) have not been completed. I sent in a support question to to see if they can tell me what I missed, or if this is a bug/feature.' 

  • simple Git setup guide:
  • other resources:


AWS OpsWorks/Chef