Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Fri 30dec11
- Tassel download wizard done,
- "Cluster Lines by Genotype" in 3D,
- THT View Haplotype problems: slow on wheat, and out-of-memory  #4818, 4821
- HDF5 allele database
- text-version importer for phenotype experiment annotations added
- requirement doc for Data program vs. Breeding program
- THT manuscript
- quality-checking genotype data, by February; Sequenom; use case
- "Select Lines by Phenotype" Add/Intersect fixed

- conference phone subscription ended, new vendor
***- allele frequency calculation in Tassel download: for those lines only
***- what result for multiple genotyping experiments for same line x marker?
   Merge: majority rules; tie -> missing
*- Find all allele conflicts.
- _SESSION variables for selected markers, trials, traits

Fri 16dec11
- Albany net connection faster, thanks!  Need firewall.  We buy, they will
  manage, or we can.
* Synthetic/Opata DArT map from Mark Sorrells
- big GBS maps of barley and wheat coming
- meiosis illustrations from Adam Lukaszewski
- T3
  - Clay's download selector wizard,
  - wheat wsnp_ markers renamed IWA where possible
  - Select Lines by Phenotype Add/Intersect broken
  - text-version importer for phenotype experiment annotations
  - THT manuscript
  - HDF5 running on malt

- Phenotype Experiment Annotation template
- quality-checking genotype data, by February; Sequenom; use case
- budgeting T3 as part of grant proposals
- Jorge re KPxKC map?
- sequences of oat DArTs,
- Cn3D for 3D graphs?
**** Connector/J
** requirement doc for Data program vs. Breeding program

Fri 9dec11
- USDA P&P 113.5 re social media
- KPxKC wheat map from Jorge: handling approximate locations
- T3
  - better caching of Content Status page
  - faster alleles query using allele_cache table
  - done: better display of trials when found from Quick Search
  - T3 User Group meeting Thursday Dec 15, 3pm EST

- OCIO net reorganization Sunday 7am PST
****- delete expt CAP-6_2008_Aberdeen from T3 Wheat
****- planting_date 00-0000 in T3 Wheat
**** IWA names in GS0010856-wOPA_opa.opa
**** Install HDF5 on malt
*- raw data file for wheat not being stored. Also manifest file.
* Phenotype import
* rrBLUP

Fri 2dec11
- new T3 server machine plans
- caching the size of the alleles table; when to recalculate?
- faster alleles loading tips from innodb-tuning.html
- THT manuscript
- Breeders Database
- Scab Forum next week

****- better display of trials when found from Quick Search
****- revisiting "Browsing": GG-like pager, search by category
- marker type for IWA markers and synonyms
- Linuxes: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Red Hat
- John out till Jan 9
- network slowness in 149.47..  
****- Eduard re publishing wsnp_ nomenclature
- R package "GAPIT" for association mapping from Buckler group

Fri 18nov11
- wheat stripe rust data loaded
- allele data for BOPA* markers deleted
- truncated trait lists for experiments fixed
****- Eduard's disclaimer for wheat SNP data: new menu "Terms of Use"; 31mar12
- Breeder's Database
- ordering text disease ratings to allow ordinal scale?  Ask user group.

*- new LSD column for phenotype_mean_data
- cache "Content Status" query
- flowering/heading/anthesis: Add trait heading. Remove trait flowering.
  - Use Julian date
*- text overwriting in table.  .Use break-word; widen column 0.
- THT manuscript; Cluster Lines by Genotype

Mon 14nov11
- T3
  - rename wheat SNPs, wsnp_.. to IWA.. ?
  - pasting more than 100 line names; post_max_size
  - loading wheat stripe rust data; CAP names required?
  - PAG abstract
  - Breeders Database (Clay Sneller)

- Quick Search results summary
 variant Traits
- THT manuscript
- MaizeGDB "big data" project
- unloading barley SNP data again

Fri 4nov11
- wheat's network problem fixed. new gateway router kernel
  can't load files > 2 MB, from outside the building
- funds for Clay Sneller's
- T3
  - marker synonyms for barley OPAs; 9K includes 4800 new markers: SCRI_rs_...
  - Camtasia/Camrelay for recording onscreen tutorials;
  - making the alleles table faster
    - Clay: NoSQL, memcached, materialized views, etc.
    - drop columns of Illumina base-calling raw data?
    - drop column created_on?
    - 2-dimensional materialized view?
    - 356 GB, 128-node test machine, SuSE Enterprise, $200K
    - $10K/512 GB
- old business
  - wheat SNP map from Jorge Dubcovsky

- TCAP executive committee notes
- new JIRA priority: "To Discuss Friday"; reducing the set of priority types
- curator_data/uploads/ file directories

Fri 28oct11
- join the PAG exhibit booth again?  T3 too?  Yes
- T3
  - genotype data not being loaded correctly
    - download for Flapjack fails for wheat, e.g. experiment NSGCwheat9K_4X
>>  - 1D data too: display_genotype.php?trial_code=CMT_PilotSpringPlate3
    - genotype experiment not linking to either the allele data or the
      uploaded archived files:
  - T3 Barley line properties "S" and "W" fail, no hits for Oregon State. Fixed
  - fixing errors due to same-line-name: Must be able to delete lines.
  - Breeders Toolbox for Clay Sneller.  (Name already taken by SGN and GDR)
  - new online analysis tool Ridge Regression, from Jeffrey Endelman
  - wheat SNP map from Jorge Dubcovsky
  - javascript/Flash graphers, e.g. Flot, Dojo, Highchart
  - Adobe Captivate makes smaller screen-video tutorials

- cancel GG tutorial
- GG on twitter!
- disclaimer to cover our ass legally

Fri 21oct11
- T3
  - sandbox databases now being updated daily
  - Cluster Lines by Genotype fixed on wheat's (production) T3s
  - Add Lines runs out of memory; try ?
  - memory_limit 24M in load scripts
  - wheat's amazing disappearing directory /www/htdocs/tmp/tht
  - Edit Lines now validates line names
  - "Feedback" -> "Contact Us"
  - MySQL url_encode() procedure in gff3.php
  - purging temporary THT_Phenotypes_...txt files from display_phenotype.php
    find -mtime 1 -exec rm
  - big data; NetCDF-3 for allele data,
  - new utility functions mysql_grab(), print_h()

- Delete Mercurial directory .hg, 31M?
- Breeders Toolbox for Clay Sneller, scabusa
- new ARS web format, see

Fri 14oct11
- GrainGenes roles in data from NSF Ae. tauschii sequencing proposal
  - GBrowse-Syn of D-genome vs. barley, wheat
  - align ESTs, RNA-seq, BAC end sequences
  - Ae. tauschii genetic map
- Albany network down Saturday, up to 4 hours
- T3
  - Loading 15M alleles takes 20 hours.  Stop calculating allele frequency?
  - line name problems in T3 Wheat
  - marker annotation: source SNP sequence vs. Illumina TOP sequence
  - Latitude/Longitude format: enforce? for Barley CAP
 data too?
  - feline code changes missing on malt?
  - "Download Line Data" .xls file fixed. "Show line information" improved.
  - sandbox database updater
  - script to update all T3 instances with git
  - solid-state disk for new production server

- How T3 should deal with "functional markers"
- How T3 should deal with predefined sets of markers or sets of lines
- HDF5 2D table for alleles
- updating GG-SQL automatically from GG-ACEDB
- purging /www/htdocs/tht/curator_data/uploads/ ?
- purging /www/htdocs/tmp/tht link?

Fri 7oct11
- New barley consensus SNP map from Tim Close
- T3
  - Kevin: Store named sets of markers (e.g. assays) and lines (e.g. panels)
  - Decision: No variant protocols for a Trait, just different Traits
  - script to purge sandbox databases with production database data.
     - wheat -> malt   publicuser@malt permission
  - loading Illumina Infinium manifest files
  - new THT phenotype data from Jennifer via dropbox
  - new menu "About T3"
  - T3 Barley's line import template was actually wheat. Fixed.
  - "Download Line Data" .xls file has no contents, in wheat:t3/wheat only?
  - "Alias PERUANO is already a synonym for a different line, PERUANO."
    ? "Line Name PERUANO is a synonym for PERUANO. Please use PERUANO instead."
    Fixed in malt's T3s.
  - Can't paste more than 300 line names in Search Lines by Properties
  - '"" not found' when pasting a list of lines  (wheat sandbox)
  - Need interface to rename and delete lines.  What if they have data?
  - GBrowse 2: low priority

- prioritizing:

J- full-length marker annotations from John
****- dump phenotype table > Exec committee
- delete Calendonia
- GoldenGate .txt format on malt:t3/wheat
- compare a 2D allele table vs. database. Target Spring 2012 or sooner.
- functional markers as line properties?

Fri 30sep11
- feline's disk death
- backups
- T3
  - loading Illumina Infinium manifest files
  - new phenotype experiments being loaded into THT by Jennifer
  - sandbox databases on malt
    - keeping them synced with production databases
  - database directory at
  - User Group meeting Thursday Oct 6 12:00 PDT, on 877-491-5609.  Conflict?
  - variant protocols for a Trait.  Trait Categories?
    - or separate trials within the experiment?
    - or variants/protocols?
  - HDF5 storage format for genotype data
  - Cluster by Genotype still broken.  Fixed in malt:t3/wheat
  - Address "" doesn't work. Fixed.

- JIRA roundup
- email response to forgot-password not sent, wheat:T3 Wheat
- public read access to all malt's databases?
- Document overwrite/delete/add behavior on reloading files.
- bad URL

.- request for wheat cDNA clones from Vinod Asundi: Yong
.- add John to curator list
- TAT going Tripal. Chado has genotyping data.
- malt to have 24G RAM, 1 TB disk

Fri 23sep11
- NSF reverse site visit for Ae. tauschii sequencing proposal
- Jouy mirror; no, beef up
- migration from feline to malt,
  Gbrowse?  by 8am Tuesday
- T3
  - "About T3" done
  - T3 Tracker report done.  What menu?  About T3
  - tutorial on loading germplasm lines done
  - incorrect GRIN accessions and Aliases: fixed now?
  - Delete a Phenotype Experiment: any tests yet?
  - naming strategy for Experiments and Trials

- Generic querying
- T3 Sandboxes
- tutorial to do next? Phenotype Experiment Annotation
- standard raw phenotype file?
- repository now on github, with installation instructions
- variant protocols for a Trait.  Trait Categories?

Fri 16sep11
- Wolfgang Spielmeyer (ITMI chair) suggestions for GG links
- moving from feline to malt
- T3
  - wheat NSGC collection 9K genotype data from Shiaoman
  - incorrect GRIN accessions seems fixed but Aliases still wrong
  - tutorial on loading germplasm lines
  - t3_report.php to summarize data status; exporting to Excel
  - fixed: "KARU_BORI is ... a different line, KARU_BORI"
  - ready to test: tool to delete a phenotype experiment
  - Show Line Details download lacks Synonyms, GRIN Accession, Data Available
  - production server; call Dell re deferring solid-state drives
  - GBrowse 2
  - todo: cope with ambiguous line aliases
  - todo: reword "Experiment" to "Trial"

- CIMMYT project; KDDArT; $10M x 7 years; Germinate; Web services, API (Nov)
- copying my desktop to new computer, 2.5GB; no room on server?
- GRIN descriptor data > T3?
- "T1" for project coordinators to test-load for errors.  T3 Sandbox
- Move Phenotype Annotation to t2/barley.
- 50K array for mapping parents

Fri 9sep11
- CMap feature requests for Ken Clark?
  - interface to GBrowse; zoom in to nucleotides
- Windows for Vickie's computer; order #596991384
- new development server 'malt'
- THT/T3
  - tool to load T3-style phenotype experiment annotations: ready for beta test
    - add/replace in template?  choice in script?
  - tool to delete a phenotype experiment: underway
  - tool needed for editing/deleting line aliases and GRIN accessions
  - coping with ambiguous line aliases
  - specs for new production server
  - GBrowse 2 coming soon to John's machine

- Incorrect PI number for Barke, Geraldine (feline t2/barley):
- Show Line Details -> "invalid line uid" error, t2/barley
- Show Line Details download lacks Synonyms, GRIN Accession, Data Available
- "KARU_BORI is ... a different line, KARU_BORI"
- reword "Experiment" to "Trial"
- cool app: Prey

Fri 2sep11
- new barley SNP consensus map from Tim Close, #4118
- 23x barley genome sequence from Tim Close
- new development server machine "malt":
- Apache denial-of-service vulnerability
- T3
  - rules for line names and aliases finalized, Excel macros revised
    - SNELLER alias Sneller??
  - new schema for phenotype experiment annotations: table "experiment_set"
  - querying a billion alleles
    - $2500 / 1TB solid state disk
    - columnstore, MySQL Cluster
  - configuring T3 production server machine
  - glitch in loading 1D allele format; error messages?

- need to delete some alleles
- interrruption-tolerant file downloads; curl, PHP/CURL
- marker searches all fail for markers that aren't on a map.
- HarvEST assembly sequences
- GBrowse 2??  Coming SOON to John's machine.

Fri 26aug11
- mirroring everything in Albany to before 27aug
- T3
  - Clay Sneller's feature requests
  - importing allele data in 2D format: being tested
  - new
 rules for naming lines and aliases implemented
  - haplotype search: ready for testing
  - phenotype data templates
    - "required" statistics
    - experiment annotation template needs implementing (schema, load, display)
    - phenotype results import
 script: working on it (DEM)
  - Data Input Gateway bug, duplicates records (Clay); now doesn't update data
  - old bugs still outstanding:
    - Cluster Lines by Genotype broken in T3, wheat and feline
    - Select Lines by Phenotype, twice -> "Intersect": Replaces instead.
    - "About T3" page is still about THT.
    - php.ini auto_detect_line_endings for uploading Mac files
  - T3 User Group meeting Wed 31aug 12:00 PDT

- specifications for T3 server machine
- using JIRA
- connecting to Albany NAS for backups

Fri 19aug11
- mirroring everything in Albany to before 27aug
  - no squirrelmail, POP
- THT: Jennifer is back from meadowfoam and loading data again.
- T3
  - new line naming:  MOREX is now MOREX|CIHO15773.
  - Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
    - All lines and markers are loaded, 1500 of each
    - All alleles loaded, 720,000
  - loading wheat stripe rust data; Traits, Experiment Annotations
  - T3 Barley now exists,
    - problem with old line names that are not in the new format
      - cool Javascript
  - importing allele data in 2D format
  - Cluster Lines by Genotype broken in T3, wheat and feline
  - Select Lines by Properties should allow wildcard "*".
  - Select Lines by Phenotype, twice -> "Intersect": Replaces instead.
  - "About T3" page is still about THT.
  - php.ini auto_detect_line_endings for uploading Mac files

- T3 User Group meeting Wed 31aug 12:00 PDT
- JIRA installed; but using HSQL DB??
- tuning webalizer for better reports to NPS
- Phenom Networks.  drupalish. Joomla.  YouTube demos.

Fri 12aug11
- Albany power out Aug 27-28; moving GG-SQL, T3 etc. to
- T3
  - loading Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
  - phenotype data from Luther Talbert
  - haplotype search
  - Cluster by Genotype broken in T3, wheat and feline
  - tracking the data flow process; user web upload of file
  - importing allele data in 2D format
  - Shiaoman's cluster-compression correction script
  - installing our own JIRA

- on Sharepoint(?):
.*  - 2446 barley core lines x 6915 SNPs; YES
  - 5000 wheat breeding and mapping lines x 9000 SNPs; NOT, not published
- auto-editing line names
- "info from manifest file"
!- redesigned BOPA markers
- duplicate assays of same line in same genotype experiment
- Genotyping ID Submission upload script
- seed stock info

*- GT_score used to populate allele_frequencies??
*- stop calculating allele frequency on data import.  Is it used?
* Vic: Select lines by phenotype, twice -> "Intersect".  Replaces instead.

Fri 5aug11
- Albany power out Aug 27-28; move GG-SQL to
- new development server to replace feline; arriving CU next week
- Can the system and apache logs be made readable?
- T3/THT
  - loading Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
  - barley net blotch data from NDSU
  - loading TCAP data programs
  - tracking the data flow process: What do Jorge and Gary want to know? JIRA
  - for barley, how to store TCAP vs. BCAP data
    - web upload script: try to parse file and log number of lines, traits,
      trials etc.
  - Jean-Luc's task list
*  - put JIRA on (Tomcat)
  - GBrowse2

- Cluster by Genotype broken in T3, wheat and feline
- webalizer; US map
*- breeding program code can be CNL but not AB
*- test for code already existing
- change to 3-letter codes CAPdataprogram_codes (see JLJ's)
*- Req for line selection list -> download genotype/Tassel

Fri 29jul11
- logins and ACEDB set up for Gerry and Vic to curate
- T3
  - Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
  - priorities for end of August
  - project tracker at
  - "empty" T3 Wheat database on feline (still contains traits)

Atrium (drupal)
fakedb for Vic on wheat
Albany power out Aug 27-28; move GG-SQL >
GBrowse2: starting from scratch

Fri 22jul11
- tritgenome's disk recovered, so I have my home directory again
- greengenes on its last legs; frequent lockups and the boot disk sometimes
  fails until manual power-cycle
- T3/THT
  - Welcome Clay!
  - loading Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
  - SysAid
    - see also Roundup, github, Plant Ontology tracker, GIRA
  - IBFieldbook

- logins for Gerry, Vic
- Autoload > crontab
- link GG markers to THT

Fri 15jul11
- ITMI meeting in Mexico City, September
- new development server to free up feline?
- greengenes home directory died
  - backup (tritgenome) had already died; trying to revive
- THT (Vic, #7377)
  - download results of View Haplotype
  - show mean of phenotype values for lines with specified haplotype
- T3
  - loading Eduard's wheat SNP allele data
  - new column for experiments: TCAP-funded ** Y/N/Partial? **
  - Clay Birkett starts Thursday.

Frank leaving? End of month
feline main THT select markers by name
Dhane out 7/19-27