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HR sends CCB folks refers to Chemistry IT Chemistry Department people who are leaving to ChemIT. To help them and their groups, we provide a consultation, using this page as a guide.



  • Continuing research? If so, need sponsor NetID? If so, for what and for how long?
  • Is person IT Rep? Web Rep? Cluster Rep?
  • QUESTIONS for ChemIT?

Check NetID permissions.

  • Active Directory groups (research: Adm? static web site?)
  • Group's blog (managed by group- remind them)

Data: Give data to someone (supervisor/ PI) and/or take with them, and/or archive within the group.

  • File share (account, data)
  • Computer
    • If CU owned computer: Wipe account. Refresh or update system. And to whom does system go to next?
  • Cluster (account, data)

Staff, including PostDocs and faculty

Email: Receiving and retrieving stops soon after last day.

  • Exceptions: Person has a CU degree. Or person is retiring at 55+ age AND after 10 years of service.

Graduate students (alumni)

See also



Specific Staff/ PostDocs

considerations when leaving Cornell

Specific Faculty considerations when leaving CornellSpecific Grad student considerations when leaving Cornell
General: Any questions for Chemistry IT about technology or related issues? Concerns?
Please ask us. We are here to help!   
Cornell licensed software

Know what you can keep and continue using.

Learn of alternatives.

PostDocs: Microsoft Imagine, formerly known as DreamSpark: Get desired items sooner than later.Microsoft Imagine, formerly known as DreamSpark: Get desired items sooner than later.Microsoft Imagine, formerly known as DreamSpark: Get desired items sooner than later.

Email: Receiving, retrieving services (storage), and sending.

The above service also includes the service of forwarding to a non-Cornell email address.

Receiving, storing, and sending email from an account paid for by Cornell.

To set up or change the forwarding:

  • Retirees: Use O365.
  • Alumni: Use WhoIAm and/ or Cmail.

Usually turned off.

Exceptions 1: Retiring at 55+ age AND 10 yrs service.

Exception 2: Having been a prior student. If an alumnus, it's automatic. If left before graduating, on request (or automatic ~4 years later?).

Exception 3: PostDocs. ONLY receiving continues. NOT storage (receiving and retrieving) and NOT sending, See next row, "Email: Forwarding service".

Usually turned off

Exception 1: Retiring at 55+ age AND 10 yrs service.

Exception 2: Having been a prior student. If an alumnus, it's automatic. If left before graduating, on request (or automatic ~4 years later?).

Continues, via Cmail (Gmail, by Google)

No sending through Cornell (no <authusersmtp> access*), except through Cmail.

Note: If leaving without graduating, continued email service can be requested. (Or is activated automatically at time of original expected graduation year?).

To forward to a non-Cornell email address, Use WhoIAm and/ or Cmail,

Email: Forwarding of a Cornell-addressed email to a non-Cornell email address.

  • And NOT including the above's row services of storage and sending.

This does not enable "storing and sending" email.

To set up or change the forwarding:

  • Before leaving, use O365
  • After leaving, use WhoIAm

Usually turned off. See above row for exceptions.

RE: Exception 3, above: PostDocs. Forwarding service ONLY is enabled for departing PostDocs, as of 8/2016.

NOT storage (receiving and retrieving)

NOT sending from, just forwarding to. That is, no sending through Cornell (no <authusersmtp> access).

  • Forwarding controls for the user transitions from O365 to the WhoIAm service.
  • Not clear: Is prior forwarding migrated when status, and thus forwarding tool, changes for the user?

Usually turned off. See above row for exceptions.

Available, per above row's info.

Online file storage: Box and OneDrive for Business

For almost everyone, they lose this service when leaving Cornell Emeritus keep OneDrive for Business and Box (since not "leaving" the University). 

Cornell computer:

  • Data disposition
  • Where does computer go next?

PI or supervisor to drive data disposition answers.

And decision on computer's new location.

  • Wipe account. Refresh or update system.
  Usually n/a.
NetID: Providing for non-email services and Library access

Default is most services turned off.

Exceptions, usually related to being able to adjust email routing.

Default is most services turned off.


Default is most services turned off.


  • Being an alumnus
  • Having been a non-graduating student still given email services.
  • Getting it sponsored.

File share:

  • AD permissions
  • Data disposition

PI or supervisor to drive data disposition answers.

CIT SFS instances


If Cluster or HPC user:

  • Permissions
  • Data disposition



Lancaster, Crane, Loring, Widom, Sheraga

If group's IT Rep

Who is the next IT Rep?

Have IT Rep replace Group Adm account's p/w


Usually n/aUsually n/a 
If group's Web rep (web site author) Usually n/aDeprovision group's web site

If CU Blogs: Group previsions NetID within web site.

If CIT Static: Chemistry IT previsions NetID in AD

* Sending email via <authusersmtp> is possible for current staff and students, useful for certain situations. The service goes away when someone leaves, even if they are still getting Cornell email via Cmail or email forwarding. This change occurred on August 14, 2013 as a result of the large number of compromised alumni accounts.

 Email: Receiving continues at Google (Gmail).