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Access Only via VPN

Because of persistent threats leveraged against higher ed academic institutions, CNF has limited is limiting login access to the java Coral client to those on the Cornell network and to those dialed into the Cornell VPN.

Cornell VPN - for users with a Cornell NetID

CNF users with a Cornell NetID may access Coral from off campus by first connecting to the Cornell VPN. If you no longer have an active affiliation with Cornell other than the CNF, you will need to provide additional information before connecting to the VPN. Please see below.

Current CU Faculty/Staff/Undergraduates/Graduates/Post-Docs/Affiliates/Visiting Scientists/etc

Follow the instructions on the Cornell VPN webpage to install and connect to the Cornell VPN. Once connected, just run the Coral client as usual.

In-Active NetIDs (eg Cornell Alums and former CU Faculty/Staff)

Cluster. Users must first connect to the Cornell VPN.

Cornell VPN - for users with a Cornell NetID


Accessing the VPN does require knowing your NetID password. If you have forgotten your NetID password, please visit for instructions on resetting the password. If you cannot perform an online reset, you will need to call or visit one of the CIT IT Support HelpDesks during normal business hours. Because If your NetID is inactive in the systemnot active because you are a Cornell alum or retiree, you will need to inform the support representative that you are a Cornell NanoScale Facility user and that you will be using your NetID to access the "Cornell NanoScale Facility Departmental VPN". The HelpDesks will require Photo ID (either in person or via a Skype call/etc) to reset your password. CNF IT Computing cannot reset your NetID password.

  1. Ensure you know your NetID password
  2. Contact CNF IT to have your NetID added to the list allowed to connect to the VPN for accessing Coral
  3. Follow the instructions on the Cornell VPN webpage to install and connect to the Cornell VPN with the following exception:
  • For your username, please enter your netid@RS-CNF-VPNAccess

Once connected, you can run Coral connect to the cluster as normal.


Cornell VPN - for users


without a


Cornell NetID

You will first need to obtain a Cornell GuestID (note that a Cornell GuestID is different from a CNF Legacy GuestID).

  1. Navigate to the GuestID Request page at
  2. Complete the form.

    All fields are required except Middle Initial


If you login to CNF services with a Cornell Legacy GuestID, you can connect to CNF's "Coral GuestID" VPN. Follow the below steps:

  1. Ensureyou know your Legacy GuestID username and password.
    1. You will use the short version of your Legacy GuestID (without the @GUEST.CORNELL.EDU).
  2. Installthe VPN software
  3. Connect your web browser to
  4. In the User Name box, enter your Legacy GuestID
  5. In the Password box, enter your Legacy GuestID password


    For the Group

    , make sure Coral-GuestID-Legacy is selected.
  6. Accept any security warnings.
  7. You may be asked to enter the administrator password for your computer.
  8. If the installer is unsuccessful, you'll see a message with a link for the manual installation.
    1. Click the link.
    2. You'll see a message asking if you should save the file. Click Save.
    3. The file should be saved in your web browser's default download folder.
    4. Locate the just downloaded file and double-click to open and run the file (on Linux you may need to run the file from the command prompt with sudo).
    5. Follow the instructions on screen.
    6. The AnyConnect VPN software is installed.
  9. When the installer is finished, the installer displays a screen telling you that the VPN software is running. If the VPN software installs but does not start, you will need to start the VPN software per the below instructions.
  10. Connectto the VPN
    1. Start the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
      1. On Windows:  Click Start -> All Programs -> Cisco -> Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client -> Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
      2. On Macintosh: In a Finder window, click Applications , then Cisco , and then double-click Cisco AnyConnect Security Mobility Client
      3. On Linux: In a command line, enter: sudo /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnui or find the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client in the menus at Applications→Internet
    2. In the Connect to: box, select or type:
    3. Click Connect
    4. Accept the security certificates
    5. In the Group box, select Coral-GuestID-Legacy
    6. In the UserName box, type in your Cornell Legacy GuestID
    7. In the Password box, type in your Legacy GuestID password.
    8. Again click Connect. You are now connected to the VPN.
  11. Disconnect from the VPN once you have finished running Coral. Disconnecting frees VPN licenses for other CNF users.

Web-Based Access to Coral

If you either cannot connect to the Cornell VPN or must use a mobile device, you should use the many web-based options for accessing Coral.


SeaBird is a mobile and tablet-friendly web-based version of Coral. SeaBird is specifically designed for users on slow (dialup) connections, behind firewalls, or unable to install Java.

With SeaBird, users can view, make, and delete tool reservations. Users can also see if a tool is in use, yellow lighted, or red lighted. For yellow lighted tools, the reported problems are in the tool's reservation detail view.

SeaBird is accessible at .


XReporter is the web-based reports module for Coral. If the information is in Coral, then there is most likely a report showing that information.

A few of the useful reports are:

  • Reservation Report - View tool reservations for a particular time window
  • My Reservations - View my (your) tool reservations for a particular time window
  • Equipment Problems and Shutdowns - View details on yellow and red lighted tools
  • My Accounting Detail - View my tool usage history (and associated charges)
  1. Name, use: RS-CNF-Cluster

  2. After you submit the form, you will receive an email at the address you specified. Follow the directions in that message to confirm your request.

    If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few hours, check your trash or spam filters.
    You must confirm your request AND an administrator must approve it during a seven-day window. The seven days start at the time you submit your request for a GuestID.

  3. You will receive another email once your GuestID request has been confirmed by CNF Computing.
  4. Follow the instructions on the Cornell VPN webpage to install and connect to the Cornell VPN with the following exception:
  • For your username, please enter your guestid@RS-CNF-VPNAccess

Once connected, you can connect to the cluster as normalXReporter is accessible at .