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Standards must (based on recommendations from previous task force):
• be simplified for readily understood and for greater adoption and be suitable for all audiences
• get rid of library jargon
• include affective, emotional learning outcomes in addtion to cognitive focus (attitudes, motivation, valuing what is being learned, )
• acknowledge complementary literacies (meta literacy, digital, media, visual, etc...and encompassed under IL umbrella)
• move beyond implicit focus on format
• address role of students as content creators
• address the role of students as content curators
• recognize the different abilities and dispositions that go along with students as creators and curators
• provide continuity with the American Assoc of School Librarians' Stds for the 21st century learner

New Model will:
• provide holistic approahc approach to IL for higher ed community
• not designed only for librarian use
• acknowlede abilites, knowledge and motivation surrounding IL are critical for college students in today's decentralized info envt
• focus on the two elements of metaliteracy and threshold concepts (metaliteracy includes information skills, collaborative production, and sharing of information in a digital environment. social media environments are free flowing, look up four domains)
• underscore the critical need for faculty....

New elements to be integrated/ adopted

  1. Wiki Markup*threshold concepts* \ - concepts that define the discipline, but may be implicit and not easily recognized by practitioners.    central concepts we want students to understand to put into practice, that encourage them to think and act like practitioners themselvfes \themselves [i see this paritcular for NYC Tech; business, policy, etc) •  five criteria for threshold concepts: •  transformative - shift in persepctive •  integrative •  irreversible •  bounded •  troublesome - difficutl or this as being easier for social sciency and sciency kinds of things, than purely humanistic disciplines- gc]
    •  five criteria for threshold concepts:
    •  transformative - shift in persepctive
    •  integrative
    •  irreversible
    •  bounded
    •  troublesome - difficutl or counterintuitive
  2. metaliteracy - today learners comunicatecommunicate, create and share info using a range of emerging technologies.  Metaliteracy expands the scope of traditional info skills to include the collaborative prodcution production and sharing of ino info in participatory digital environments (forthcoming:  Makcey Mackey & Trudi Jacobson)
    •  Four domains:
    •  behavioural - whagt what students should be able to do upon successful compelteion of learning activities
    •  cogntive
    •  affective
    •  metacognitive - what students think about their own thinking/learning


Q & A
-other literacies?  financial, cultural?,
- do they have a blog?  will do in the future
- committee membership. There are non librarians on the task force
- they have to talked to faculty (about threshold concepts - Trudi did), but not sure if other members have.   they were mum on student feedback.
- aiming more for a toolkit -- with examples of applications at different concepts and levels, but currently looking at simplified plan for now
- looking at sandbox system to share how people are sharing/idea exchange area
- operationalizing standars standards will depend on the institution-- sharing ideas, but everyone's situation is different...
- working with accreditation agencies... yes, they have someon someone working on outreach..
- skills vs cogntive cognitive aspects of things.... interest in teh the threshold conpcetscooncepts, less focus on skills, and more on all -encompassing, rather than individual skills.  thinking more of practices, rather than skills because that implies a higher level and more generic approach.
- visual literacy -- using metaliteracy - not addreshing addresing each literacy, but a generic on abilities and understandings more universal, not the formats. ..Recognizing that some might be complementary and others may not. Concept of needing a boundary as there are so many literacies out there
- yes, discussed the INFO LIT term -- they have not spending a lot of time thinking about an alternate term. ...Suggested they might try to better define the term information literacy