Serials Solutions - What is our purview to analyze, what is for other groups?
- Cornell - replicate ejournal/database search functionality - Out of scope, but important
- Cornell - Is SerSol RM OK? -
- E-resource management - part in scope
- Troubleshooting information access - in scope
- Broaden trial of UserVoice? Trial FreshDesk? Other? Compare/contrast
- Look into Jira? Can it be made to work well for troubleshooting? Is it too IT looking?
Other tools?
Access to information: What pieces of information are essential? What system contains that information.
- Payment made? How easily can we navigate each other's Voyagers?
- URLs up to date?
- IP addresses up to date?
- User permissions
Troubleshooting flowchart(s): How do we? When to pass the baton?
- How/where to find payment info?
- Remote access
- User permissions
- Request proxy changes
- Edit PURL/URLs
- access Ebsco/Harrassowitz?
- Contact info