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ColdFusion 7

IS Infrastructure reports that ColdFusion 7 will be unsupported effective FY11Q1.   The Cold Fusion applications group reports that they will be "maintaining" ColdFusion 7 based applications for all three fiscal years.

Further investigation yielded information from Jon Atherton that the hosting group is planning on turning off support for ColdFusion 7 in FY10Q1 (September '09).   I have not been able to contact Steve Lutter yet to make sure he is aware of this. Ron is investigating



IS Infrastructure reports that CUPeople is being "Maintained" all three fiscal years.   There are known security issues with the current product and it is CCDAT's understanding that the current product is being phased out.
Ron is investigating

In discussing this issue with Bob Carozzoni from IS, it appears that CUPeople will NOT be phased out, but the service as it exists today will be retired in favor of newer technologies that will not be subject to the security issues that are present today.   The current production service depends on Kerberos 4 which Identity Management is targetting to turn off by the end of March, 2009.   Bob believes that all existing CUPeople customers can be moved to a newer service by the same date.   This situation should be monitored as there appears to be little room for slippage should there be any slippage in the schedule to move CUPeople customers.


KFront/MVS Dispatchers

IS Infrastructure lists KFront and MVS Dispatchers as "Disinvest" for all three fiscal  years.   CCDAT believes that Identify Management is looking to "turn off" Kerberos 4 sometime during FY09Q3, and both KFront and the MVS Dispatchers depend on K4.
Ron is investigating

Conversations with John Parker and Bob Carozzoni (IS) informed me that there are plans to maintain the MVS dispatchers and KFront, however they will be updated prior to Identity Managment turning off K4 next March.



ATSUS Customer Service lists that they will be moving to "unsupported" status with respect to their use of cusspclient effective FY11Q3.    This product depends on Kerberos 4 which Identity Management has being unsupported effective FY09Q3.

JP Brannan (ATSUS) was unaware of cusspclient's dependency on Kerberos 4 and thus did not realize that the planned turn off of Kerberos 4 would affect his service.   The Help Desk uses cusspclient in conjunction with their student scheduling software which is a mission-critical system for running the Help Desk.  Discussions with Pete Bosanko (Identity Management) indicate that there is a command line utility that is part of the new CUWebLogin/CUWebAuth that can do many of the same functions as the old cusspclient, without the Kerberos 4 dependency.   Pete will talk about this at the joint TSP/SecuritySIG meeting being held on November 20.   JP will also get in touch with Steve Edgar to discuss this as well. Ron is investigating



Identity Management lists CUSSP (the libraries and/or protocol) as moving to an unsupported state as of FY11Q1.   CUSSP has a dependency on Kerberos 4 (though it also supports Kerberos 5 in certain implementations) which they have listed as being unsupported effective FY09Q3.
Ron is investigating

Pete Bosanko (Identity Management) believes that the date for CUSSP being moved into the "Unsupported" state should be the same date as the planned Kerberos 4 turnoff.   Pete will speak with Steve Edgar (OIT/Security CCDAT representative) about this to make sure that there are no issues.



Data Network Engineering reports that they will begin investing in IPv6 effective FY11Q1.  It is not clear what modification(s) to our architecture and applications will need to happen to take advantage of this.

Ron is investigating
