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Date of next review: April 2025


Batch Single Volume Monographic Withdrawals
Medium Rare Annex
Additional Steps : Special Cases 


A. Withdrawals of physical materials in the collection:

I. Instance 

Display Instance record. Verify that record matches book. 

  1. If the title is a serial, check for and report an open purchase order or ongoing subscription. See Additional Instructions for Serials below
  2. For single-part monographs and complete multi-part sets, Suppress the Instance:
    1. Click Actions→Edit Instance, and in the Administrative Data section,
      • Check the "Suppress from Discovery" box
      • Check the "Staff Suppress" box: 
  3. Add an Administrative note with the proper coding for the withdrawal, using the format date:yyyymmdd ttype:w userid:[netid] ploc:lts    The macro for this is ,,w. If you don't have this macro, contact the LTS Macro coordinator
  4. For multi-volumes/multipart items, record the number of pieces withdrawn by adding "pcs: " to the end of the note, then add the number of pieces withdrawn (see example below)


    1. For batch withdrawals of single volume monographs, a .csv spreadsheet of barcodes of records to be withdrawn should be sent to the Automation team
      • The list should have more than 25 entries. Lists of fewer than 25 entries will be processed manually by DBQ staff.
    2. Automation Team staff will perform the following steps:

      • Import the .csv spreadsheet to DBeaver and create a separate table of the barcodes.
      • Perform a query (or queries) on the newly-created table of barcodes. This is to acquire specific data needed to perform the batch withdrawal process. The primary data necessary to complete a batch withdrawal are the instance UUIDs, holdings UUIDs and the item UUIDs.
      • Once item UUIDs are acquired, item records are deleted by means of a Python script.
      • Utilizing the holdings UUIDs and a Python script involving the the Folio API, all holding work will be completed. This would include adding the withdrawal note in the holdings note, the transaction data note and the suppression of the holdings. Examples of withdrawal notes: Withdrawn (lost/missing) 3/12/20, netid or Withdrawn (dupe-deselected) 3/12/20, netid.
      • If the holdings being withdrawn is the last CUL copy, the FOLIO Instance record will need to be suppressed.
      • The corresponding instance UUIDs for the bibliographic MARC bibs will be used when implementing or Python script utilizing the Folio API to suppress the instance and add the administrative notes, if there are no other holdings attached with circulating material. The instance will not be suppressed if there is a valid holdings attached with circulating material.
      • Develop and run query in Dbeaver to verify bibliographic records of last CUL copy are suppressed and that all withdrawn holdings are suppressed and the items deleted.


B. Transfers 

I. Initial Conditions


  1. Line out all previous location stamps on the piece in-hand -- (see exception below).
  2. Edit handwritten locations and call numbers in the piece   -- (see exception below).
  3. For serials, if you know that the new location is picking up an open subscription from the old location, write "Ongoing, currently received" on the location flyer. In addition, for unbound issues not barcoded separately, give recent issues (as displayed in the OPAC) to LTS Serials or Documents for further processing.
    If the transfers are computer disks , sound recordings   , or video recordings  , do additional processing if required for the new location.  Consult with a cataloger as needed.
    Exception: for unbound serials not barcoded separately, edit only the first and last issue in each bundle.
    Insert a location flyer and place completed transfers on the appropriate shelf (#12a) .
  4. Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the appropriate location. 


DC. Reinstatements

I. Instance Record in FOLIO


  1. Display the Holdings Record.  If the Instance was just imported or created, skip to step 4. 
  2. If the Holdings record in suppressed, make sure to un-check the Suppress From Discovery box so that it displays in the public catalog.
  3. Make sure the call number in the Call Number field matches the label and hand-written markings in the book.  Determine if there is a discrepancy between the online call number and the label & handwritten numbers, and correct as necessary.  Have the piece re-labeled in Physical Processing if the label is determined to be in error and needs fixing (see below).  From here, skip step 4 below and proceed to step 5.
  4. If the Instance was newly-imported or created, then Add a New Holdings:
    1. Enter the appropriate Holdings Type, Location, Call Number Type, and Holdings Statements as applicable.
      1. For items that will need cataloging, set the Call Number Type to Other, and enter "In Process" in the Call Number field.
      2. For items that have full cataloging, compare the call number of the Instance record with the call number (if any) on the original label or handwritten marking on or inside the piece.  If the old call number on/inside the piece is still valid (i.e. it's LC format, the Classification is correct, with only minor numerical differences in the cuttering), then it can be entered into the Call Number field, and the book will not need to be re-marked (see below).  Consult with a cataloger if needed.  If in doubt, use the call number from the imported record, enter it into the Call Number field, and re-write the call number in the piece(s) to match.  The item will also need to be relabeled in Physical Processing (see below).
      3. If you use the original or new call number (as opposed to sending it to cataloging), make sure to apply any Oversize information that may be applicable.
  5. Add a Staff-only Holdings Note (Note type: Note) saying "Reinstated", plus the date and your ID (see Example 1) .  There may be previous notes that the item had been withdrawn, but staff can leave these alone, and even provide an explanation, if available, to preserve the maintenance history of the piece (see Example 2):

Example 1:


Example 2:

6.  Save the Holdings record.

III. Item Records.

  1. Examine the piece carefully for a barcode.  It may be on the front cover, on the first page, on the title page, or even on the back cover, inside back cover, or back pages of the book.  
    1. If the piece lacks a barcode, attach one, following normal procedure.
  2. Check to see if the FOLIO record has an Item record. 
    1. If it HAS an Item record, does the barcode match the barcode in the book? 
      1. If YES, check further Enumeration/Chonology information, and make sure it's entered, as applicable.  If everything matches, skip to step 4 below. 
      2. If NO, and you're sure the piece in-hand is not simply a second copy that needs a new Holdings, change the barcode number in the Barcode field to match the barcode in the book (whether newly-placed or not).  (The original barcode may have fallen off, or it may have been given a "smart" barcode, which were barcode numbers that were not actually attached to the items in many cases.  These can be recognized by the low number after (up to "050") that occurs AFTER the initial "31924")
    2. If it LACKS an Item record, Add a New Item Record, enter the barcode from the book (whether newly-placed or not), and enter any appropriate Enumeration/Chronology information, if applicable.
  3. Make sure the Item record is UN-SUPPRESSED.
  4. Save the Item record.


  1. Process the physical pieces as follows:
    1. Cross out all "withdrawn" stamps.
    2. Edit penciled locations and call numbers, if needed.
    3. Bring the piece to Physical Processing if the label needs changing, making sure the handwritten call number inside is correctwill match the new label.
    4. If the piece does not need re-labeling, take the piece to the "Return To Stacks" shelf in 110 Olin (if location is Olin, Kroch/Asia, or Uris), or send to the appropriate library on the Mail Out shelf with a yellow routing slip.

** IMORTANT NOTE ** Reinstatements are often the result of a mis-match or typo between the online call number and the physical piece, resulting in the item having been "withdrawn/lost" because it was misplaced in the stacks.  Make sure the call number in FOLIO matches both the call number written in the book, and the one on the label (or eventual label, if it's going to be replaced.



ED. Medium Rare Annex

See Instructions for Rare Annex Transfers Processing (LTS Procedure #12a)


FE. Additional Steps: Special Cases

  1. Open purchase orders: when withdrawing or transferring serials, and for all reinstatements, check to see if there is an open purchase order for the title:
    1. In the FOLIO Inventory screen, scroll down to the bottom of the third pane, and check the Acquisitions accordion/pop-down for any POL (purchase order line) information,  If there's no purchase order attached, the Acquisitions accordion will be closed.
    2. Click the POL link (tip: right-click and open in a new tab).
    3. Verify that the Location for the line item is correct.
    4. Check the Receipt Status (question)  (Receiving note (question) ). If it states that the purchase order is complete or canceled, do nothing. If it states that the purchase order is Open or Ongoing, send an e-mail notification to Serials Supervisor. In the e-mail, give the following information:
      1. Action (withdrawal, transfer, or reinstatement)
      2. Brief serial title
      3. Instance ID
      4. Purchase Order Number
  2. Transfers to RMC Annex: see Rare Annex Transfers (Procedure #12a)


  1. Additional guidelines for Transfers: From Collection Development's Selection Policy for Shelf Space Adjustment


  1. :


    1. Retain a unique print copy of an item if the only other manifestations in CUL are microform, CD-ROM, or networked


    1. resource. Do


    1. NOT retain a unique microform if the title is available in print..


    1. When filling in serial "back volumes missing in other units," retain volumes (numbers, issues, etc.) that are unique to CUL but


    1. DO NOT retain additional copies, even if there is more than one incomplete serial run in CUL.


  1. Shelves for completed transfers and reinstatements:


    1. For Rare Annex transfers,


    1. see Special Instructions (Procedure #12a) otherwise:


    1. Deliver all unbound serials that are not separately barcoded to Collection Management--Serials, otherwise


    1. Place items on the appropriate Physical Processing truck at the


    1. in Room 110, if remarking is required (e.g. location or call number on spine are incorrect).


    1. If remarking is not required, place items for Olin, Kroch, or Uris on the "return to stacks" shelf in Room 107E or 110. Place items for other libraries on the outgoing mail shelves in Room 110.


  1. Superseded editions or volumes:add


  1. Holdings Note (Note type: Note) to holdings records to indicate the treatment of these "ongoing" transfers


852 ... $z Latest ed. only.

852 ... $z Latest ed. in Reference.

If you unsuppress the bib record, add an additional 948 to indicate a fast shelve statistic (,,s).  Note: If a new BIB record is created, add additional 948 statistics fields for inputting ( ,,i ) and fast-catting ( ,,f ) to insure that the record is exported to OCLC as a newly cataloged record.

Save the record to the database.

1.  Lost and missing titles:


  1. . Leave the Staff Only box Unchecked.


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