Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Display Instance record. Verify that record matches book. If the title is marked "lost" or "missing", see special instructions below. 
  2. If the title is a serial, check for and report an open purchase order or ongoing subscription. See Additional Instructions for Serials below
  3. For single-part monographs and complete multi-volume sets, Suppress the Instance:
    1. Click Actions→Edit Instance, and in the Administrative Data section,
      • Check the "Suppress from Discovery" box
      • Check the "Staff Suppress" box: 
              • Image Modified
  4. Add an Administrative note with the proper coding for the withdrawal, using the format date:yyyymmdd ttype:w userid:[netid] ploc:lts    The macro for this is ,,w. If you don't have this macro, contact the LTS Macro coordinator.


        1. For multi-volumes/multipart items, record the number of pieces withdrawn by adding "pcs: " to the end of the note,


        1. and the number of pieces withdrawn (see example below)
          • If you are NOT withdrawing ALL of the pieces of a particular multi-volume, DO NOT
        • suppress
          • SUPPRESS the instance record, or the remaining volumes will not be discoverable. 

      Examples (single-part and complete multivolume sets)

      (For singleSingle-part monographs):

      (For withdrawing 3 volumes of a multivol., whether it's a complete or partial set):

      II. Holdings record


      1.  Display the appropriate Holdings record for the piece in hand:


            1. For single-part monographs being withdrawn, check the box


            1. to SUPPRESS FROM DISCOVERY.    
            2. For Multi-part monographs and serials


            1. , suppress ONLY if withdrawing all of the pieces in a given Holdings.


          Image Removed


            1. (see also Additional Serial instructions below).
          1. In the Holdings Notes, with Note Type: Note, enter "WITHDRAWN", and a short parenthetical note stating the reason, if available (e.g. lost, damaged, missing, deselected, duplicate, replaced by preservation photocopy, etc.), plus


          1. the date and your netID:

                         Image Modified

               a. When withdrawing only certain parts of a multipart monograph or serial, add specific information in the above Holdings note on which parts are being withdrawn, and why.

              • Example: "v.2 and v.6 withdrawn (damaged) 01/02/03 abc"

                  b. Make sure NOT to suppress the Instance


          or Holdings records if any of the other volumes are still associated with this Holdings.


               3.  If the part(s) being withdrawn are accompanying material that is included in the bibliographic description for the title (such as supplements or maps in a pocket),


          specify this info in the above Holdings Note:   

              • Example:  "Vol. 3 and accompanying maps WITHDRAWN (MISSING) 9/3/21"


               4.  If you are withdrawing only certain parts or supplements from the Holdings, Edit the appropriate Holdings Statement(s) to reflect ONLY those holdings that are retained.  If you are withdrawing all parts of a multipart monograph or serial, however, retain the Holdings


          Statement                information as is.


               5Save the Holdings record.

          III. Item Record




          Display Item record(s).


                         a. For single-part monographs, DELETE the Item record by clicking Actions→Delete. 

                         b. For multipart monographs and serials, delete the Item records as described in step 1a above, but note the item Enum/Chron information for the Holdings withdrawal note and amended Holdings Statement (if you have not already).  

            • If the Item(s) cannot be deleted because of dependencies or certain Item Statuses, use the Check-in app to make the status "available", or bring


            • it to the DBQ, Inputting, or Monographs Workflow supervisor, to Check-in the piece and remove the dependencies as applicable


            • .


          **Do not delete any item records for material that is NOT being withdrawn.**

          IV. Physical Disposal


               1.  If you have the physical pieces in hand, stamp them "Withdrawn",  For books, the stamp can go on the inside front or back cover, title page, verso, or some combination of the above.


               2.  Route the withdrawn, stamped pieces as follows: 

            • Place print serials in the recycle bin.
            • Send all items that with a "Federal Publications" sticker, or "Depository" stamp, or have a "D" penciled on the cover, title page, or other preliminary pages, to the LTS Documents supervisor.
            • Place all other items on the "Withdrawn Items" items cart in 110 Olin, to be sent to the Annex for donation.      
