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Greek Peak ski resort is only a 30-minute drive from Cornell!

When's the best time

  • 1-2 days after fresh snow! Called "Powder Day". Powder snow is softer, so it won't hurt when you fall. It's not slippery like ice. Ice forms when it hasn't snowed for awhile and the temperature raises to >0
  • early January - early March
  • Check daily skiing conditions here:
    or call (800) 365-7669 to get automated hotline report about snow conditions, open chairlifts and trails, etc. Here, they may also report conditions for the next day by evening time.
    • Look for Surface Condition: MG PP (Machine Groomed, Packed Powder). Technically, it doesn't have to be this condition, as Greek Peak makes their own snow with machines as well, but this condition is most friendly for beginners!

What to wear

  • Layers: 3 layers recommended. Warm but gives you the flexibility to move
  • Waterproof pants, gloves, and jacket. So if you fall on snow you won’t get wet and cold
  • Balaclava or beanie + neck warmer that can cover your mouth, cheeks and nose when you need
  • Ski goggles are nice to have, but not necessary for a start
  • Ski/snowboarding boots are special so you need to rent unless you have your own
  • You can rent a lot of the above depending on their availability at Greek Peak, for additional cost
  • Personally, I wear 3 layers of top, 3 layers of bottom, 2x socks, 2x gloves including all waterproof outers

Recommended stuff to bring

There are lockers in the Rental Equipment room where you can store things ($10-15/the whole day)

  • Snacks that you can eat in the middle of the ski session (e.g. while waiting on the chair lift)
    • e.g. granola bars
  • Lunch is recommended. Foods at Greek Peak are expensive
  • Heat packs / “hot hands” are sand packs that warm up when you shake them. Nice to have inside pockets/globes to keep your hands warm, or in your socks to keep your toes warm. Can get from drug/department stores

Tips for learning how to ski

  • You'll fall A LOT. Part of the learning process. Getting up can be more tiring than skiing itself. Some easier ways to get up:
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  • Ski posture/body position fundamentals:
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Prices (as of Jan 8th, 2024)

All days except Monday Nights and Tuesdays

  • RECOMMENDED LESSON PACKAGE: Beginners - Intro2Snow Program
    • $65 including a 45m lesson, rentals (not including helmet, $13), and beginner chairlift-only pass
    • You can switch between skiing and snowboarding in the middle. Already included in the price!
    • EVEN if you're not a beginner...
      • The coaches for the lessons can cater for intermediate levels
      • You won't have access to the non-beginner chairlifts BUT the chairlift operators are usually still kind enough to let you in (even for the Visions chairlift, yg lebih advanced sebelah kanan), especially if you look like you know what you're doing (wink)
      • Jadi untung lah overall