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Batch Single Volume Monographic Withdrawals
Medium Rare Annex
Additional Steps : Special Cases 


A. Withdrawals

I. Instance 

  1. Display Instance record. Verify that record matches book. If the title is marked "lost" or "missing", see special instructions below. 
  2. If the title is a serial, check for and report an open purchase order or ongoing subscription.
  3. For single-part monographs Click Actions→Edit Instance, and make the following changes in the Administrative Data section:
    • Check the "Suppress from Discovery" box
    • Check the "Staff Suppress" box
    • Add an Administrative note with the proper coding for the withdrawal, using the format date:yyyymmdd ttype:w userid:[netid] ploc:lts lts The macro for this is ,,w.
      • For multipart items, record the number of pieces withdrawn by adding "pcs: " to the end of the note, followed by the number of pieces withdrawn (see example below)
      • If you are
      • not
      • NOT withdrawing ALL of the pieces of a particular multi-volume, DO NOT suppress the instance record, or the remaining volumes will not be discoverable.


Note: the macro that will enter the above information is: ,,w (with the cursor in the Note field).

II. Holdings

  1. Display the appropriate Holdings record for the piece in hand:
    • For single-part monographs being withdrawn
    Display relevant Holdings record:
    • At the top of the Holdings, record, check the box to to SUPPRESS FROM DISCOVERY:For Multi-part monographs and serials, see instructions below.

Image Modified

  • In the Holdings Notes, with Note Type: Note, enter "WITHDRAWN", and a short parenthetical note stating the reason (e.g. damaged, deselected, etc.), plus the date and your netID:


EXAMPLES of WITHDRAWN Notes/Reasons for withdrawal in HOLDINGS NOTES (netID shown as "abc"):

WITHDRAWN (LOST), 8/21/00 abc

WITHDRAWN (DAMAGED), 8/21/00 abc



/00 abc

2.  When withdrawing only certain parts of a multipart monograph or serial, add specific information in the "WITHDRAWN" Holdings note on which parts are being withdrawn, and why. Make sure NOT to suppress the Instance and Holdings records if any of the volumes are still left in the collection.

3.  If the part(s) being withdrawn are accompanying material that is included in the bibliographic description for the title (such as supplements or maps in a pocket), add a note specifying that the supplement/map/etc. has been withdrawn –  

Example:  "Vol. 3 and accompanying maps WITHDRAWN (MISSING) 9/3/21"

4.    Edit the appropriate Holdings Statement(s) to reflect ONLY those holdings that are retained.  If you are withdrawing all parts of a multipart monograph or serial, however, retain the Holdings Statement information as is. 

5.  If all volumes have been withdrawn, check the suppress from discovery box in Save the Holdings . Suppressing the Holdings will automatically queue the MFHD for deletion from OCLC.  For serials, also set the Receipt Status to "Not currently received."record.

III. Item Record

  1. Display relevant item records:


5.  Re-display the Instance record:

a. If there are no active (unsuppressed) holdings records remaining for the title, suppress the Instance record from discovery.  

    •  delete the Item record by clicking Actions→Delete.  If the Item cannot be deleted because of dependencies or certain Item Statuses in FOLIO, bring the piece to the DBQ supervisor or other appropriate staff to Check-in the piece before withdrawal.

    • For multipart monographs and serials, note item Enum/Chron information for the withdrawal note, make sure the Item status lack any dependencies, and delete the Item records as above.

IV. Physical Disposal

ab. If you have the physical pieces in hand, stamp them "Withdrawn."

cb.  Dispose of the withdrawn physical pieces as follows: Send to LTS Documents

  • Place print serials in the recycle bin.
  • Send all items that


  • with a "Federal Publications" sticker,


  • or "Depository" stamp, or have a "D" penciled on the cover, title page, or other preliminary pages



  • Place print serials in the recycle bin at your workstation, to the LTS Documents supervisor.
  • Place all other items on the withdrawn monograph book truck in LTS Rm.107Eother items on the "Withdrawn Items" items cart in 110, to be sent to the Annex for donation.      

  • Anchor
    B. Batch Withdrawals: Single Monographic Volume or Complete Serial collections
    Batch Withdrawal Process has been updated for FOLIO.

    For batch withdrawals of single volume monographs, a text file or Excel spreadsheet of barcodes of records to be withdrawn are sent to the batch processing team. Batch processing will only perform the batch withdrawal process if the count is greater than 25. Less than 25 will be processed manually by DBQ staff.

    The batch withdrawal process is as follows:

    1. Text file or Excel spreadsheet is imported into DBeaver LDP and a separate table of the barcodes is created.
    2. A query, (or queries), is performed on the newly created table of barcodes. This is to acquire specific data needed to perform the batch withdrawal process. The primary data necessary to complete a batch withdrawal are the instance UUIDs, holdings UUIDs and the item UUIDs.
    3. Once item UUIDs are acquired, item records are deleted by means of a Perl or Python script.
    4. Utilizing the holdings UUIDs and a Perl or Python script involving the the Folio API, all holding work will be completed. This would include adding the withdrawal note in the holdings note, the transaction data note and the suppression of the holdings. Examples of withdrawal notes: Withdrawn (lost/missing) 3/12/20, netid or Withdrawn (dupe-deselected) 3/12/20, netid.
    5. If the holdings being withdrawn is the last CUL copy, the MARC bibliographic record will need to be suppressed.
    6. The corresponding instance UUIDs for the bibliographic MARC bibs will be used when implementing a Perl or Python script utilizing the Folio API to suppress the instance, if there are no other holdings attached with circulating material. The instance will not be suppressed if there is a valid holdings attached with circulating material.
    7. Spot check a few records in Blacklight to see if modifications have taken affect.
    8. Develop and run query in Dbeaver to verify bibliographic records of last CUL copy are suppressed and that all withdrawn holdings are suppressed and the items deleted.

    Note: As of the writing, (05|16|2022), all scripts necessary to perform the aforementioned tasks in the Folio API are currently in development.


  • Anchor
    C. Transfers

I. Initial ConditionsTransfer the item(s) online according to the instructions found in section "6. Disposition" of the " Selection Policy for Shelf Space Adjustment.  . Initial Conditions

If the transfer involves a title for "rmc,anx" or one of the "ranx" sublocations, follow the Rare Annex (12a) instructions below.


  •       a.  Relink the item records for the pieces in hand from the old holdings record to the new holdings record.
  •       b.  Display each item record.
  •       c.  Change Permanent Location to match location in the Holdings record.
  •       d.  Edit the Permanent Loan Type, if appropriate -- for example: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" reference collection. If you are transferring a title to a (Rare Annex #12a) location (e.g. "rmc,anx"), set the Item Type to "Non-Circulating". (NOTE: These are the only Annex locations for which the Item Type should be set to "Non-Circulating")
  •      e.  Click on the graph button. If Withdrawn appears under status, remove it.
  •      f.  Click on the quill pen button. If deselected note appears, remove note.
  •      g.  Save the record to Voyager.
  •      h.  Repeat for each item record.

V. Final Steps

  1. Re-display the Instance record.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the suppress from Discovery box.
  2. Add two 948 local statistics fields to the record: one for the withdrawal; another for an added copy, an added location, or added volumes -- as appropriate. If you unsuppress the bib record, add an additional 948 to indicate a fast shelve statistic (,,s).  Note: If a new BIB record is created, add additional 948 statistics fields for inputting ( ,,i ) and fast-catting ( ,,f ) to insure that the record is exported to OCLC as a newly cataloged record.
  3. Save the record to the database.
  4. Line out all previous location stamps -- see exception below.
  5. Edit pencilled locations and call numbers -- see exception below.
  6. For serials, if you know that the new location is picking up an open subscription from the old location, write "Ongoing, currently received" on the location flyer. In addition, for unbound issues not barcoded separately, give recent issues (as displayed in the OPAC) to LTS Serials or Documents for further processing.
    If the transfers are computer disks , sound recordings   , or video recordings  , do additional processing if required for the new location.
    Exception: for unbound serials not barcoded separately, edit only the first and last issue in each bundle.
    Insert a location flyer and place completed transfers on the appropriate shelf (#12a) .
