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IssueReported DateTemporary/Workaround Solution Solution Status and Date

Finance_Budgets table issue

  • on the public.finance_budgets table for LDP1, the following several fields are not getting calculated properly due to the way the calculations are done in the FOLIO application fields:
    • allocated
    • cash_balance
    • total_funding
    • available
    • unavailable
    • over_expended
    • over encumbrance
  • see submitted LDP issue 226 on this for more details

Finance_Budgets table issue

  • on the public.finance_budgets table for LDP1, the following fields are not getting calculated properly due to the way the calculations are done in the FOLIO application fields:
    • allocated
    • cash_balance
    • total_funding
    • available
    • unavailable
    • over_expended
    • over encumbrance
  • see submitted LDP issue 226 on this for more details
  • see details from FOLIO developer Serhii Nosko
    • Yes, these fields are calculated on the fly, here is a list of these fields in code that fully matches list provided by LDP (line 61-67):
    • one workaround could be calculating these fields in queries
    • perhaps create a derived table that addresses this issue?
    • continued discussion at other reporting meetings
      • Yes, these fields are calculated on the fly, here is a list of these fields in code that fully matches list provided by LDP (line 61-67):
      • these fields can be calculated in individual queries, but this is cumbersome
      • the data might be able to be extracted from the finance transactions table
      • Axel suggests we create a daily script to run against our LDP that will find every budget updated by the FOLIO API in order to trigger a daily update to the fields on the finance_budget table
      • reports impacted: CR122, CR157, CR165, CR132

Unresolved 1/17/23

Bug submitted, to be fixed in Orchid release

Fund Balance Discrepancy1/12/23
  • discrepancy is between data in FOLIO and data shown the Fund Detail Tableau dashboard
  • The issue is when the FYRO was run at the end of FY22 – the balances were moved forward under the transaction type Rollover transfer.  When capturing the Group view, the programmers didn’t take into account the Rollover transfer within the Net transfer on the Group view.  This has been submitted as a bug.  Unfortunately, this will not be addressed until the Orchid release.
  • Until FOLIO is updated – When looking at your Team information, please rely on the Tableau dashboard created by Nancy Bolduc.

Unresolved 1/12/23

Bug submitted, to be fixed in Orchid release

unresolved 1/17/23

In the public.srs_records table, the column external_id is actually the instance_id
None neededFixed
In the public.srs_marctab table, all ids are in uuid format, and this does not match the format of ids in other tables

Cast all ids from tables that connect to srs_marctab as "::uuid"

Example code when joining srs_marctab AS sm to srs_records AS sr

        LEFT JOIN srs_marctab AS sm ON = sm.srs_id 

In the public.srs_marctab table, the instance_id column is incorrect and should not be used. 

The srs_marctab table can be connected to the public.inventory_instances table via hrid, and the instance_id can be brought in from the inventory_instances table.

Example code:

SELECT AS instance_id,
    ii.title AS title,
    substring(sm."content", 7, 2) AS "format_type"
    public.inventory_instances AS ii
LEFT JOIN srs_marctab AS sm
    ON sm.instance_hrid =ii.hrid

WHERE sm.field = '000'

Another way to get data from the srs_marctab table and insert a correct instance_id is via the srs_records table.

Example code:

        sr.external_id AS instance_id,    
        substring (sm.content,7,2) AS format_code
        srs_records AS sr
        LEFT JOIN srs_marctab AS sm ON = sm.srs_id 
 WHERE sm.field = '000'     

  --NOTE that all ids in the srs_marctab table have been cast as uuids, so cast the OTHER table's id as ::uuid 


Fixed, the instance_id column from srs.marctab has been corrected as of 9/12/22.
public.audit_circulation_logs did not start recording loan renewals until December 17, 2021. 


The circulation_loans table has a record of renewals (renewal count) starting 7/1/2021, but note that these are only for items checked out since 7/1/2021. None
public.notes table does not contain any data, and will impact any queries using this tableupdated 10-17-22NoneUpgrade 1.8 will solve this issue (update date to be determined). As of 10-17-22, LDP Test (1.8.2) shows the return of the Notes table.
Invoice and fund tables migrated from Voyager show amounts 100 times greater than the actual amount10/17/22The data type for monetary amounts in Voyager finance tables was "Text," but when migrated to Folio was turned into "numeric." The decimals were stripped out – this means that when using Voyager historical data for funds and transaction amounts, divide your results by 100. Be careful to check your results for all queries that involve monetary values from Voyager.No fix foreseen
