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3D CAD Software Available at the CNF

Note: Sofware Software usage is limited and or restricted depending on the type of license the CNF currently is under contract.  


  • Options for running DeScribe Software
  • The most current version v2.7 as of 6/30/22 is v 2.7
    • It is highly recommended that you use the most current version of DeScribe to have access to the latest recipes and print modes.
    • In v 2.7, most recipes are included in DeScribe and do not need to be downloaded separately
    • Users can download their copy here (requires software license and Nanoguide access)


Once you have completed the alignment process (typically aligning only along the flat edge of the wafer is adequate), a total of at least 18 substrates will be produced. Take care to ensure that substrates are free of debris from cutting before using in the NanoScribe. Additional cleaning of substrates via sonication with consecutive baths acetone, IPA, and DI water is recommended.

ITO Borosilicate Substrate Deposition Process 


Model Removal & Resin Stripping


Advanced Printing Procedures

GWL Programming

Advanced printing procedures often require modification to the basic files generated by the DeScribe slicer. In addition to offering much greater control over your print, a user can stitch together multiple jobs into a single part with differing print modes, or even objectives. Many of the most useful commands are highlighted in the sections below. A full reference list is available on Nanoguide and in the DeScribe editor under Window → Command Reference.

Upon slicing an STL file, sample.stl for example, DeScribe generates a number of files and folders:

sample.recipe -  Contains basic information on your part import, such as orientation, scaling, and translation. This file will let users maintain changes made to an imported part's orientation on subsequent imports.

sample_job.recipe - Contains information related to the print settings, such as block size, hatching distance, and scan speed. This can be used when importing a new part to pull the previous settings forward in DeScribe.

sample_job.gwl - File which is called by NanoWrite to start a print job. This file contains basic parameters used by the printer such as InvertZAxis, Galvo or Piezo Mode, Scan Speed, Power Scaling, Laser Power among others. This file is also used to call the print data, usually sample_data.gwl but can also call other job files.

sample_data.gwl - Contains instructions to move the stage relative to current position in microns as well as tells the printer which specific block to print in the form of gwlb files.

gwlc - This folder contains GWLC files which are a form of compiled GWLs. The GWLC files are created when generating a 3D preview and will be subsequently loaded by NanoWrite; compiling in DeScribe before loading in NanoWrite significantly speeds up the import process. These files are binary and not easily readable or editable.

sample_files - This folder holds the GWLB, or binary GWL files which are ultimately read by the printer and dictate the laser paths and stage movements. These files are binary and not easily readable or editable.

Multi-DiLL Printing

Multiple samples can be printed sequentially without the need to open the printer and switch substrates. This is useful for jobs where a large number of samples are needed, particularly if print times are short. The procedure for setting up a Multi-DiLL print will reference this build folder which is available for download: The builds are based on these simple STLs:
