Versions Compared


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Solution SetObjectiveResinSubstrateSample HolderSlicingHatchingDev/Rinse
SF63xIP-L / IP-DIPFused Silica / Borosilicate SubstratesDILL / DiLL Oil0.3 um0.2 um12 min
MF25xIP-SITO-CoatedDiLL1 um0.5 um20 min
LF10xIP-QSiliconDiLL5 um1 um20 min

Solution Sets

The Nanoscribe uses solution sets which are paired to an objective in order to slice a CAD model. In general, each objective has a Solid, Shell and Scaffold, and Swift solution set. 

Solution SetUse Case
SolidSlowest printing method, generates parts which do not require post-process UV curing generally. High resolution printing.
Shell and ScaffoldFaster than solid, speed dependent on part complexity and infill percentage. Parts have a high resolution shell with coarse infill to balance speed and high resolution. Will require UV cure.
SwiftFastest printing method, prints coarsely in a layerwise fashion in half the time of most shell and scaffold prints. Parts usually do not require UV cure. Balanced Swift is higher resolution than Swift, but longer print times.

Image Added

Comparison of printing solutions by part resolution and print speed. Image from Nanoguide

Alignment & Overlay

GWL Programming


  • Generate a *job.gwl file - this will tell NanoWrite the order of operations and which files to reference
    • The example uses 1_2_3_job.gwl and is stored in the master folder. The gwl file can be created in a text editor (by changing .txt to .gwl or similar) and the content should be formatted as follows:

SamplePosition 4
Wait 20
MessageOut "Start printing the 1st sample"
include Sample1\sample1_job.gwl

SamplePosition 5
Wait 20
MessageOut "Start printing the 2nd sample"
include Sample2\sample2_job.gwl

SamplePosition 6
Wait 20
MessageOut "Start printing the 3rd sample"
include Sample3\sample3_job.gwl

  • In this example, we are printing in positions 4, 5, and 6 on the Multi-DiLL holder.
    • NewStructure: Tells NanoWrite to begin a new print
    • SamplePosition: Tells NanoWrite which position in the sample holder to print
    • Wait: Waits for an integer number of seconds to allow the resin to settle after the lens has approached
    • MessageOut: Displays text to indicate a new job has started
    • include: Opens the build files from the included path
  • You may test your gwl file by opening it in DeScribe to verify the paths are correct. Generate a 3D preview (F5) and ensure there are no errors.
    • Note: DeScribe will render all models on top of one another. This is normal behavior, as seen below:


 The CAD models for this substrate are available for download in STL and STP format, as well as a drawing of the substrate.

The short video below demonstrates the process for a 25x25 mm substrate with a 1mm center hole:
