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Fun facts about the Notes helper app


Let's talk about assigned vs. specific notes

  • In the eHoldings app in particular, we will be using two types of notes: assigned and specific.
  • Assigned notes are broader notes that can be assigned across multiple packages. 
    • An example is "CANCELLED in 2020." We will assign the note "CANCELLED in 2020" to any packages we're cancelling in 2020. 
    • You can create a new note and assign it to multiple packages, or you can assign a note that's already been created to another package. 
  • specific note must always be created as a new note. It is a note that is only relevant for that package or title. 
    • Look to the right for an example of a specific note re. the British Veterinary Association package. 
    • This note is classified as the note type: "Specific package-level note." 
    • It has the package name in its title. 
    • The contents of the note are only relevant to this package and should not be attached to any other records.  


Please, please remember: if you are creating a note that will only go on one package or title, assign it the note type "Specific package-level note" or "Specific title-level note," and never, ever assign it to another record ever.


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eHoldings notes naming conventions

  • "Specific" notes – e.g. specific package-level notes, and specific title-level notes – should be titled with the name of the resource (the title of the package, or the title of the journal, ebook, etc.). 
  • For an "eHoldings: payment information note," we recommend titling the note something like: “Wiley e-journal backfile payment: PO#...” not just the PO# in the title. 
  • The goal is to have the title be descriptive when you're searching for notes, and then have the body of the note contain relevant content like PO or NERF #s. 



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How to assign and unassign a note

  • (I will be using the Notes helper app from within the eHoldings app for my examples.)
  • A note can be assigned at the provider, package, or title level.
  • Simply search for the provider, package, or title within the eHoldings app and select the one you wish to edit. 
  • The Notes section appears midway down the record at the provider and package-level. 
  • If you search by title, after you select the journal or ebook title, you will need to select the package it appears in before you can reach the notes section at the bottom of the record. 
    • For example, select Cambridge Quarterly and then select Oxford Journals Archive to add a note to that title within that package. 
  • Click the Assign/Unassign button.




  • Use the Note type dropdown menu to select the type of note you wish to assign. 











  • A selection of note titles will appear. 
  • By checking the box next to the note title and clicking save, that note will now appear within the record to which you assigned it 


When creating a new note, be descriptive in the title for easy assigning.


NOTE TYPES INCLUDING THE WORD "SPECIFIC" SHOULD NOT BE ASSIGNED TO OTHER RECORDS. E.g., do not assign "eHoldings: Specific package-level note." Specific is our way of indicating that the note is only applicable to a single package or title, etc.



  • Anchor
    To unassign a note from a record, click on the Assign/Unassign button. 
  • From the pop-up screen, choose the note type you wish to unassign.
  • Uncheck the box of the note title you wish to unassign.
  • Click the Save button. 










How to create a new note

  • From the Notes section of a record, click on the New button. 
  • You will reach a New note pop-up screen.
  • Select the Note type from the dropdown menu.
  • Complete the Note title and details. 
  • Click the Save & close button. 


Naming conventions: for a "Specific package-level note" or "Specific title-level note," we recommend beginning the Note title with the title of that package or journal/ebook, in order to easily distinguish that this note belongs solely to this record.


How to edit or delete a note

  • From within a record, click on the note you wish to edit.
  • Select edit from the Actions dropdown menu.
  • A new screen will pop-up where you can edit the Note type, Note title, or details. 


Be aware that if a note is assigned across multiple records, editing it will change the type, title and/or text across all of the records to which it is assigned.

  • You can delete a note by selecting delete from the Actions dropdown menu. 


    Again, this will delete the note across ALLof the records it is assigned to. If you wish to simply remove the note from an individual record without altering the other records, unassign it, rather than delete it.



Note types

  • The Notes helper app can be located under Settings > Notes > General. 
  • Here you can create a new note type. 

How to create a new Note type

  • Click on the + New button in the upper-right hand corner. 
  • Complete the name of the note type. 
  • You can also edit and delete note types here.
    • Note types can only be deleted if they aren't assigned to any records. 
      • If you wish to delete a note type that is assigned to a record, you will first need to unassign it from that record(s). 


Note type naming conventions
Note type naming conventions
Note type naming conventions

  • Beginthe note type by identifying which app it is associated with, e.g., Agreements, eHoldings, or Licenses.
  • "Specific" designates a "one off" note, which should only be assigned to a single record.

THE FUTURE: What to look forward to in the Notes helper app in Honeysuckle

  • Currently, in Goldenrod, only the title displays in the Title and details column. In Honeysuckle, you will be able to see the contents of the note without having to click on the note and open a pop-up screen.
  • The date, title and type columns are all sortable in Honeysuckle, so you can group notes by type, date, etc. 
  • You can edit the note from within the record using the Edit link rather than clicking on the note to open a pop-up screen.