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titleUpdate shibboleth2.xml

Download our sample shibboleth2.xml and replace your /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml with downloaded file. Open shibboleth2.xml in a text editor.

  • Update SP entityID:

 Search <ApplicationDefaults entityID=""... >.  EntityID is the  Unique identifier for your SP. Cornell Shibboleth Identity Provider(IDP) provides service to many applications. This entityID will help Cornell IDP to identify your SP. We recommend you follow shibboleth convention named it "https://xxx/shibboleth". It's better not include space or special characters in it( / and : are fine). One SP can server multiple sites in your Apache so it does not necessarily equate to the hostname(s) at which your service runs. 

  • Update SP session:
    Search <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" ...>

--- lifetime is the maximum duration in seconds that a session maintained by the SP will be valid.The settings shown in the example will set your Shibboleth session lifetime to 28800 (8 hours).

--- timeout is the maximum inactivity allowed between requests in a session maintained by the SP. The settings shown in the example will set your Shibboleth session timeout to 3600 (1 hour).

titleForce authentication

When session expire or timeout, user will be redirected back to Identity Provider(IDP). If user still has active IDP session, user will NOT be prompted for login screen. They will just be redirected back to your website. If you would like to force user re-login when SP session expire/timeout, please configure Force Re-Authentication in SP:Configure a Service Provider to Force Re-Authentication

 --- postData="ss:mem" postTemplate="postTemplate.html" postLimit="1048576"

Add it to <Sessions ..> if your website hosts web form(with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded). Web form POST data with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be saved in the Shibboleth memory cache rather than discarded when a user requires authentication after filling out a web form. "postTemplate.html" is located in /etc/shibboleth directory. Modify it to meet your website's style. "postLimit" is the maximum number of bytes to allow when saving off POST data. Over this limit, a warning in the log will appear, but the data will not be saved. When not defined it uses the default which is 1024k(1048576 bytes).

More information:

  • Update the support contact: 

Search < Errors supportContact ="root@localhost"  helpLocation ="/about.html" styleSheet ="/shibboleth-sp/main.css"  /> . Change the email address to your application's support email address. Change the helpLocation to your application's help page.
