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Unit: Cataloging & Metadata Services

Date last updated: 05/23/2019 June 2021

Date of next review: May 20202022


Choice of rules: RDA or DCRM(B)
PCC Contribution
Authority Work



Choice of rules: RDA or DCRM(B)


RMC cataloging staff participate fully in the NACO program. When cataloging new acquisitions, we contribute RDA authority records for names if they are considered significant and in need of formal authority control. NACO records are created in Voyager, reviewed, and subsequently uploaded to OCLC through the usual LTS process (see LTS Procedure #134)OCLC by catalogers who have formal NACO training.


Notes to include in original cataloging records for early imprints (pre-1800 European and pre-1821 American ones)


Anything wanting--routinely. This goes in a $z public note on the holdings record ("Imperfect: ...")

Provenance--routinely. This goes in a $z public provenance note on the holdings record ("Provenance: [name] (nature of ownership mark, e.g. bookplate, stamp, or signature).") The name of the inscriber, former owner, etc. is also traced in a 7xx field on the bib record, with the appropriate relationship designator in $e at the end (former owner, signer, etc.). For relator terms (7xx $e) to choose from, see the term sequence in the MARC Code List for Relators.


Holdings record: 852 0_ $b rmc,hsci $k Boyle $h QC27 $i .B79 1662 $z Provenance: Franz Sondheimer (bookplate).


In paper wrappers--routinely; this note goes in 852 $z a public note on the holdings record.

With dust jacket--routinely; this note goes in 852 $z a public note on the holdings record.

Prize book--routinely; this note goes in 852 $z a public note on the holdings record. Describe the nature of the prize, who presented it, and to whom it was given. Also, on the bib record, add the appropriate RBMS Controlled Vocabularies term "Prize books" (from the Provenance Evidence thesaurus) for Prize books.


Holdings record: 852 0 $b rmc,hsci $k History of Science $t 2 ‡h QE26.L98 ‡i E3 1865 $z Provenance: Presented by the Council of Kings College London to John Ashton Coombs, as a prize for chemistry.


710 2_ King's College London, $e former owner. $5 NIC


Binding--if artistically significant or signed. If binder is known, trace him/her in a 700 field with $e binder $5 NIC at the end. 


Provenance--routinely. See description in previous section above.