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Once per week until 8/25 - BR on Tuesdays at 8pm via Zoom until 8/25 then move to 3-4p Tuesdays. Second session 3-4:30p Thursdays.

Meeting ID: 917 5072 0516
Password: eccboard
7/7/20BRVCRGNeurologyNeurolocalization, congenital & degenerative malformations (hydrocephalus, chiari-like malformation, A-A lux, Wobblers, Degenerative Myelopathy, Lumbosacral stenosis)

Neurolocalization, congential degenerative disease.docx

7/14/20BRTWRGNeurologyIVDD (all types, central cord syndrome), FCE, spinal neoplasia and trauma (vertebral luxations/fractures)Acquired Myelopathies.pptx
7/21/20BRCTRGNeurologySeizure management, clusters, status epilepticusREADING: SACCM: Chapters 82, 166, ACVIM 2015 seizure consensus, JVECC 2017 Status epilepticus review
7/28/20BRSGRGNeurologyTBI, brain tumors, vestibular diseaseVestibular Disease_TBI_Neoplasia BR.docx
8/4/20BRNHRGNeurologyInfectious/inflammatory (MUE/GME/NME, SRMA, diskospondylitis, cuterebra, toxo, neospora, distemper, crypto/fungal, rabies)
8/11/20BRAS NeurologyNeuromuscular/ LMN Diseases (Myasthenia gravis, acute polyradiculoneuritis, tick paralysis, envenomations, botulism, neospora/toxo, myositis/myopathies)LMN .pptx
8/20/20BRJBRGShock/TraumaPhysiology of shock & trauma

Physiology of lactate

Reading: Either SACCM Ch 56 or Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine Ch 156, JVECC 2018 Lactate review


Start two meetings per week: Board Review on Tuesdays at 3-4pm. Additional Session on Thursdays at 3-4:30pm.

 Faculty have a meeting the first Thursday of every month.

Meeting ID: 917 5072 0516
Password: eccboard
9/1/20BRJS Shock/Trauma

Ischemia & reperfusion injury

Approach to trauma in the ER/ICU (incl. global perspective, stabilization, initial treatment, diagnosis – comparing imaging modalities, etc.)

JVECC 2004 Ischemia-reperfusion injury review: Pt I and Pt II

Textbook of SA Emergency Medicine Chapt 158 (Ischemia-reperfusion injury

JVECC 2006 Assessment and Management of the severely polytraumatized SA Patient review

Recording of presentation:

9/3/20ASAllDFVent SimRespiratory mechanics 

Maxillo/frontal/facial trauma

Cervical trauma (incl. subcutaneous emphysema, tracheal tear, pneumomediastinum, treatment of wounds in these regions, etc.)

Appendicular trauma (eg general orthopedic & soft tissue principles)

(TBI & spinal fx/lux discussed in Neurology Section)

(Ocular trauma discussed in Ophtho section)

head-neck trauma.pptx


wound manag.pdf

9/10/20ASAllDFVent SimRespiratory mechanics 
9/15/20BR------Off - IVECCS "week"------
9/17/20ASAll---Literature Review: all  
9/22/20BRAllAllWhat I learned at IVECCS  



Thoracic trauma: thoracic wall, pleural space & parenchymal trauma (rib fractures, flail chest, pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, pulmonary contusions, diaphragmatic hernias)

Thoracic Trauma.pptx


Abdominal trauma: (organ laceration/rupture/entrapment; prepubic tendon rupture; hemoabdomen & uroabdomen stabilization & treatment)

Drobatz text: 84, 103

SACCM text: 138

JVECC uroabdomen review.pdf.

CT CUHA abd trauma.pdf


Literature Review: all


Lit Review 10-8-2020.docx





Journal Club:




10/20/20BRSGGLSInfectious Diseases

Part 1: Tick-borne/Rickettsial & Protozoal infections (lyme, rickettsia, erhlichia, anaplasma, RMSF, babesia, giardia, coccidia, hemotropic mycoplasmas)

(Toxoplasma & Neospora likely covered in Neuro section; Heartworm disease covered in Cardio section)

PowerPoint uploaded to Box
10/22/20BRSGGLSInfectious DiseasesPart 2 of above 
10/27/20BRSDGLSInfectious Diseases

Viruses: (FeLV, FIV, FIP, Panleuk, Feline URIs, Canine infectious tracheobronchitis, influenza, Parvoviral enteritis, Distemper, Rabies)

(Distemper & Rabies likely covered in Neuro section)

viral diseases BR.pptx
10/29/20BRCTAllInfectious DiseasesBacteria & Fungal infectious (mycoplasma, brucella, botulism, tetanus, bartonella, blastomycoses, histoplasmosis, cryptococcus, coccidiomycosis, candida)Bacterial and fungal infections CUHA.pdf
11/3/20ASAllDFVent Session 1/3Over Zoom 
11/5/20ASAllAllGroup Check-InOver Zoom - brainstormed ideas for virtual vent sessions 




Part 1: Antibiotic Principles: (time vs concentration dependent; bactericidal vs static; classes, MOA & spectrum of action of antimicrobials; submitting cultures; breakpoints & interpreting MICs)

11/12/20BRNHJMPharmacoloyPart 2 of above 
11/17/20ASAllRGVent Session 2/3Over Zoom with video on if possibleVentilator variables
Control variables - the variables you control: pressure, volume (
Phase variables - determine the phases of the breath: trigger, limit, cycle, PEEP (
Triggers -

Ventilator modes:
Volume and pressure control:
Summary of modes:

Tobin and Pilbeam are also good resources as well




11/24/20ASAll---Mock exam- CancelledNeurology, Shock/Trauma, Infectious DiseasesMaterial Added to Next Mock Exam
11/26/20AS------ThanksgivingNo additional session this week 

Use of specific antibiotics

Reviews of treating common diseases (resp & urinary working group guidelines)




Benchmark Exam

12/8/20BRASRGSepsis/SIRS- CancelledSIRS: classification & manifestation

Systemic pro-inflammatory response in sepsis.pdf

Inflammatory response in sepsis.pdf

SIRS review.pdf

SIRS (StatPearls).pdf

SIRS (Molecular pathophysiology).pdf

12/10/20ASAll---Literature Review: allPresenting: Chu, Beverly, Tong, Sands and Herrera 
12/17/20BRVCJFSepsis/SIRSPathophysiology of Sepsis Part 1 
12/22/20BRJSJFSepsis/SIRSPathophysiology of Sepsis Part 2
12/24/20AS------Christmas EveNo additional session this week 
12/29/20BR------Winter holidayNo session this week 
12/31/20AS------New Year's EveNo additional session this week 
1/5/21BRTWRGSepsis/SIRSVasopressors: receptors, indications, side effects

Vasoactive agents.pptx



vasopressin in dopamine resistant.pdf

1/7/21ASAll---Literature Review: all

Presenting: Davis, Summers, Gradilla, Williams

Vet surg 12_2020 - 1_2021.pdf
1/12/21BRKSRGSepsis/SIRSSurviving Sepsis Campaign


1/14/21BRCTRGSepsis/SIRSOther pertinent human lit on Sepsis/SIRS

Ex of sources include New Eng J of Med, J of Crit Care Med

1/19/21BRSDSRSepsis/SIRSReview of antibiotic selection in sepsis incl. HAI/MDR/MRSP/MRSA

Q&A of case studies selecting the best choices based on location of infection/type of infection prior to having a susceptibility panel back and then also after to revise our choices based on resistance.

Q&A review antibiotic spectrums/penetration 



AllSepsis SIRSSeptic Peritonitis + vet med lit 

Journal Club:


1/28/20ASAll---Mock Exam

Added Topics: Neurology, Shock/Trauma, Infectious Diseases

Original Topics: Pharmacology, Sepsis/SIRS

2/2/21BRPS Respiratory PhysiologyWest Physiology Ch. 1, 2, 3

 Additional sources: Levitsky's Pul Phys & Nunn's applied Resp Phys

2/4/21ASAll---Literature review: allPresenting: Chu, Beverly, Tong, Sands, Herrera, Sotos 
2/9/21BRNH Respiratory PhysiologyWest Physiology Ch. 4, 5, 6Additional sources: Levitsky's Pul Phys & Nunn's applied Resp Phys
2/11/21ASAllAllVent Sims (1/3)  
2/16/21BRJB Respiratory PhysiologyWest Physiology Ch. 7, 8, 9 Additional sources: Levitsky's Pul Phys & Nunn's applied Resp Phys
2/18/21ASAllAllVent Sims (2/3)  
2/23/21BRVC Respiratory PhysiologyHypoxemia: pathophysiology, types of respiratory monitoring (arterial blood gas, sp02, capnography, advanced monitoring procedures)

Johnson's Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine 2nd ed.

SACCM Ch 21, 22, 26

2/25/21ASAllAllVent Sims (3/3)  
3/2/21BRJS Respiratory PhysiologyHypoxemia: types of oxygen supplementation & when a patient qualifies for each (O2 cage, nasal prongs, cannulas, high flow, mechanical vent)


3/5/21ASAll---Literature Review: allPresenting: Davis, Summers, Sotos, Gradilla, Williams 
3/9/21BRTW Respiratory PhysiologyImaging modalities (XR, CT, fluoroscopy); Respiratory sampling (nasopharyngeal swab, TTW vs endotracheal wash, etc.); Interventional radiology; Documenting pharyngeal/tracheal/bronchial collapse & hiatal hernias; etc. 



Journal Club:

CRASH trials

3/16/21BRKS Respiratory Physiology

Upper Respiratory Disease (stertor, stridor, bacterial/fungal/neoplastic/inflammatory rhinitis, foreign bodies, brachycephalic airway disease, laryngeal paralysis, laryngeal collapse/stenosis, tracheal collapse)


(Upper Resp Infectious Diseases (Feline URIs & Infectious Tracheobronchitis) covered in Infect Dz section)


3/18/21ASAllAllLit Review or other if neededPresenting: Chu, Beverly, Tong, Sands and Herrera 
3/23/21BRCT Respiratory PhysiologyLower Respiratory Disease (bronchial collapse, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, bronchomalacia, chronic bronchitis, feline asthma, bronchogenic pneumonia & other infectious diseases) 
3/25/20ASAllAllLit Review or other if neededPresenting: Davis, Summers, Sotos, Gradilla, Williams 
3/30/21BRSD Respiratory Physiology

Pulmonary Parenchymal Disease (aspiration pneumonia, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema)

4/1/21ASAll---Literature Review: allPresenting: Chu, Beverly, Tong, Sands and Herrera 
4/6/21BRSG Respiratory PhysiologyPulmonary hypertension (all types) 
4/8/21ASAllAllVent Sims (1/3)  
4/13/21BRPS Respiratory PhysiologyThoracic Wall & Pleural Space Disease (any of the thoracic trauma not covered in Shock/Trauma section; all types/causes pleural effusions; congenital pericardial/diaphragmatic hernia; etc.) 
4/15/21ASAllAllVent Sims (2/3)  
4/20/21BRNH Respiratory PhysiologyPyothorax, Lung lobe torsion 
4/20/21ASAllAllVent Sims (3/3)  
4/27/21BRJB Respiratory PhysiologySmoke inhalation, carbon monoxide, oxygen toxicity 
5/4/21BRVC Respiratory PhysiologyALI & ARDS 

Journal Club:


5/11/21BRJS Respiratory PhysiologyPhysiology & Principles of Mechanical Ventilation 


Benchmark Exam  
5/18/21BRTW Respiratory PhysiologyVentilator Waveforms 
5/20/21ASAllAllLiterature Review: allPresenting: Davis, Summers, Sotos, Gradilla, Williams 
5/25/21BRKS Renal Physiology/ClinicalRose Ch. 14 (question)Group/Faculty to discuss best source/chapters to cover for Renal
5/27/21ASAll---Mock ExamRespiratory 
6/1/21BRCT Renal Physiology/ClinicalRose Ch. 15 (question) 
6/3/21ASAll---Literature Review: allPresenting: Chu, Beverly, Tong, Sands and Herrera 
6/8/21BRSD Renal Physiology/ClinicalRose Ch. 16 (question) 
6/10/21ASAllAllVent Sims (1/3)  
6/15/21BRSG Renal Physiology/ClinicalManagement of obstructive uropathies (feline urethral obstruction; canine urethroliths, cystoliths, ureteroliths, renoliths; neoplasia (TCC); hematuria) 
6/17/21ASAllAllVent Sims (2/3)  
6/22/21BRPS Renal Physiology/ClinicalAKI (causes- lepto, pyelonephritis, sepsis, NSAIDs, other drugs, grapes/raisins, pancreatitis, lyme nephritis, anesthesia, hypovolemic shock, ethylene glycol, lilies, ureteral obstruction, lymphoma, etc; diagnosis; treatment) 
6/24/21ASAllAllVent Sims (3/3)  
One meeting per week until after IVECCS - Board review on Tuesdays
6/29/21BRNH Renal Physiology/ClinicalCKD (differentiation from AKI; diagnosis; treatment; acute on chronic; terminal stages) 
7/6/21BRAS Renal Physiology/ClinicalHemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, CRRT (Part 1) 
7/13/21BRJB Renal Physiology/ClinicalHemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, CRRT (Part 2) 

Mock Exam

(last meeting with 3rd years)
