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This document describes the procedure used to install Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) software on Centos/RedHat, and to configure it to work with the Cornell Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP).


Follow instruction on to install Shibboleth. 


After installation Shibboleth configuration files will be placed at /etc/shibboleth/ and the necessary Apache configuration in /etc/httpd/conf.d/shib.conf.

titleUpdate attribute-map.xml

Download our sample attribute-map.xml and replace your /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml with downloaded file. Our attribute-map.xml defines all commonly used attributes. 

All attributes except groups defined in attribute-map.xml are released by default to all SP. Attribute "groups" is released on demand. Submit group membership requirement when you submit shibboleth integration request form. Edit attribute-map.xml as needed.

titleUpdate shibboleth2.xml

Download our sample shibboleth2.xml and replace your /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml with downloaded file. Open shibboleth2.xml in a text editor.

  • Update SP entityID:

 Find <ApplicationDefaults entityID=""... >.  EntityID is the  Unique identifier for your SP. Cornell Shibboleth Identity Provider(IDP) provides service to many applications. This entityID will help Cornell IDP to identify your SP. We recommend you follow shibboleth convention named it "https://xxx/shibboleth". It's better not include space or special characters in it( / or : are fine). One SP can server multiple sites in your Apache so it does not necessarily equate to the hostname(s) at which your service runs.


REMOTE_USER: a special server variable used to pass the primary identifier of authenticated user. If your website is just for Cornell netID user, you can change its value to "uid". Otherwise set its value to "eduPersonPrincipalName"
  •  Find  <Sessions ... handlerSSL="false" cookieProps="http">, set handlerSSL="true" and cookieProps="https".