Versions Compared


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  1. My new motto is "PERFECTION PREVENTS COMPLETION".  We definitely want to be accurate and complete, but we also want to be complete as in done. Generally speaking, to make this happen, I believe we should start with the best balance of largest and easiest collections (of course those often conflict; we need to choose carefully), and then work from there. Leave the most complex and smallest collections for last, as the fewest individuals will be impacted by them.
  2. something here


Overall goals:

For a resource to be "done", as in "good enough to move on to the next one" (Jesse's words, Feb 14, 2020), we must do the following, to the greatest extent reasonably possible:

  1. Create a (reasonably) complete Agreement
  2. Have a License attached to a (reasonably) complete Agreement
  3. Have an Organization attached to that Agreement
  4. Have a Database or Resource attached to that Agreement, when appropriate

Instructions to complete each of these steps are described below. Completing the steps above requires work in a different order than that shown above.



  1. Create a (reasonably) complete Agreement

    1. This is, actually, x
  2. Create or locate an Organization
    1. The Organization is sometimes called the "Vendor", but a Vendor is one to whom we pay money. An Organization is a
    1. group that supports our access to the resource in some manner. That may be as a content provider, as a subscription agent, as a vendor, or some other way. In some cases, we'll identify an individual Organization as having multiple roles, so one Org may be both a "vendor", if we pay them directly for the service, and a "content provider" if they host the product and provide access to it for us.
    2. Look for duplicate vendors, and clean them up if necessary. For instructions on this, see here. 


  1. Create or locate Organization - whoever is providing the content
    1. Click Organizations to open the Organizations app; check to see if the vendor you're interested in exists in there.
    2. If they don't, create them now.
      1. If we pay money to them, select the 'Vendor' checkbox
      2. But for now we're also creating a separate entry for the same vendor if they are also the content provider. 
    3. question: how do we delete a duplicate vendor? How do we choose which is the one to keep? Also, what about name changes in organizations? We currently have two entries for ASABE: "American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers" and "ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)". And it used to be ASAE - but we don't have that in FOLIO Orgs. May not need it at the moment, but there will be a need for name changes.
  2. Create Agreement - all the other data parts hang from the agreement. "Agreement" is the overarching resource from which everything else hangs. Agreements are part of the terms of the license that govern more day-to-day info, but we need to confirm with the bigger FOLIO groups to define this accurately.
    1. Agreement steps
      1. figure out how many agreements you need for the provider (ex subscription vs perpetual access) to help craft the one you are 
      2. agreements will describe more than one resource
      3. we will have a line for each resource covered by an agreement (?? doublecheck this statement)
      4. open up a blank agreement and fill in fields:
        1. Name: provider name
        2. Description
        3. Status
        4. Reason for closure
        5. renewal priority
        6. one more field
        7. Agreement periods
        8. Agreement line - add an agreement line for each product purchased
        9. Internal contact: often this is blank; use this for LTS person who is the official maintainer; selector contact
        10. Agreement line
        11. License information
        12. external licenses - like a NERL license, signed by a different institution
        13. organizations
        14. supplementary information
        15. usage data
        16. related agreements
    2. NB: In Agreement Periods, you can put in fake dates, like "2020-11-31". That should be fixed.
    3. Content, licenses, contacts will be attached to the agreement
    4. plenty of spaces for notes in the Agreements part
    5. Under "Organizations", click "Add organization to agreement" and find the org you'd created. 
  3. Create License
    1. Connect Organization to license
    2. Core documents - we can attach a license here, and see how it works
    3. Define the terms of the license - 
      1. "Definition of authorised user" - these should have a picklist? so we are using terms correctly, and limiting spelling errors?
      2. "Number of concurrent users allowed" - this requires an integer, so what do we choose here, to represent "unlimited"?
      3. "Walk-in access permitted?" and next question seem a repeat of "Definition of authorised users"
