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Patron Access to Theses Prior to Cataloging/Binding

When the LTS thesis liaison, (Peter DelaCuadra), is contacted by a patron or notified by Reference department staff that a patron wishes to see a thesis before it has been processed, ask for patron's contact information (name, phone/e-mail) so that you can provide information on the availability of the thesis. Check the latest list of Advanced Degrees Conferred for the author. If the author does not appear on the list, the degree has not yet been conferred, though the thesis may have been submitted to a college department(meaning LTS may not yet have print copy on hand). If the author appears on the list, and we have theses the particular thesis awaiting processing, RUSH process if it is bounddouble check to see if the electronic copy does not have an EMBARGO, as the type of EMBARGO may effect circulation, (see note below). If the thesis cannot be processed, or still unbound at the Bindery, inform the patron and/or print copy thesis does not have a restricted EMBARGO, inform the patron and/or Reference staff of the situation and the process of viewing an unbound thesis.  If both un-bound copies are available, select the circulating copy for viewing.  Carry that the thesis can be provided for a viewing.  Once Reference and the patron have agreed on the viewing arrangements, the LTS thesis liason will take the unprocessed thesis to the security desk of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division in 2B Kroch Library, where the patron can view it in the secure reading room.  When the patron no longer needs the thesis, RMC staff will notify LTS liaison to retrieve the thesis for Standard viewing time frame is two weeks from date of request. Patron does have the option of requesting additional time. When the time frame has expired for the viewing period, the LTS thesis liaison will go to RMC and retrieve the thesis and return to LTS cataloging for further processing.

Thesis with a EMBARGO: A copyright, patent or author request hold on a particular title


Example: 852 8 0 |b ilr |h Thesis HD4830 2017 Z436 |z <Currently NOT available, on hold until after September 11, 2019>

: When there is an EMBARGO on the electronic copy of a thesis at eCommons, and the print copy is not on listed on the EMBARGO list of the corresponding conferral date, the type of EMBARGO on the electronic copy will need to be verified. If the type of EMBARGO on the electronic copy is a Patent Hold, then the print copy is treated with the same EMBARGO and NOT be processed and circulated. If the EMBARGO is any other type of hold, the print copy is able to be processed and circulated.

