Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Hidden frames should also be hidden from assistive technologies using aria-hidden="true".

Other (content)


  • Critical Important strikethrough text MUST must be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the strikethrough.Critical text
  • designated for insertion MUST Important insertion text must be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the insertion.

Non-required / best practice

  • <blockquote> should be used for long (block level) quotations. It shouldn't be used for visual styling alone (non-quotes).
  • Code should be marked with the <code> element and styled to look different from non-code text. Blocks of code should use the <pre> element for formatting.
  • Strikethrough text should use the <del> element.
  • Insertion text should use the <ins> element.
  • Highlighted text should use the <mark> element.
  • Important highlighted text should have a text-based way of conveying the importance of the text.