- 245 (Title and statement of responsibility area)
- 250 (Edition area)
- 260 (Publication, distribution, etc., area)
- 4xx (Series area)"
What to do if you have a CJK book in hand Anchor B B
For Departmental LibrariesAnchor B1 B1
Search in OCLC WorldCat. If full copy is found (and the record is in English (i.e. 040 |b eng) with an 066 field, subfield c $1, make updates as needed in OCLC, import the record, and catalog the item complete the cataloging (adding 948s, holdings, and item data) in Voyager. Do not strip the 066 nor 880 fields from CJK records. If no usable record is found, send the item to Olin Library receiving unit for processing. If the item already has a Voyager record, print out the record to accompany the book before distributing for CJK processing. -
For Olin LTS StaffAnchor B2 B2
If an item is discovered to be CJK on receipt, or a CJK item is received as a gift, the item should be processed by CJK receiving staff. If the item already has a Voyager record, send a printout to accompany the book before distributing to CJK staff.
- If the item has a fastcattable record in Voyager, complete the processing.
- If the item requires further searching, search in WorldCat and import new record to Voyager as appropriate.
- If no matching record is found, update the existing Voyager record route to the appropriate cataloging team or member according to Receiving guidelines.
CUL's database of record is Voyager. If the master record in OCLC WorldCat is not a COO record, leave master record intact. We may contribute to it by correcting obvious access point errors/typos, but we should not change the record to suit our local preferences, e.g. printing date vs. edition date in monographs; more than one publication company in serials. Such local adjustments should be made in Voyager., but any changes that improve access in general should be made to the OCLC master record, following national standards. If in doubt about making changes to a master record in OCLC, consult a cataloging supervisor.
Handling CJK records in Voyager Cataloging:
- Fastcatting: the 066 field subfield c $1 and the 880 fields are the essential fields in a CJK record, under no circumstance should we remove these fields from a CJK record.
- If a record's cataloging media was not in English, do not use the record. For example, 040 field subfield b are in chi, jpn or kor; field 300 are in CJK language, and non-quoted notes in 5xx fields are in CJK languages. Derive and create a new record for CUL catalogingin OCLC.
- Please consult OCLC: Navigate to Help, then Tutorial, then search OCLC tutorial for Bibliographic Formats and Standards, in Chapter 3, Special Cataloging Guidelines.
All copy and volume information is updated in Voyager only. Corrections that apply to all copies of the resource will be made to the OCLC master record only when it was created by Cornell (040 $a COO $c COO).
For RDA practice, applied to CJK cataloging, please consult: http://rdaandcjkworkshop.pbworks.com/w/page/49260024/Home