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Unit: Receiving & Government Documents

Date last reviewedupdated:01 2017 

Date of next review: November 20182019


Retrieving Data Files from Marcive Server
Running Monthly Loads
Retrieving Problem Data Files
Manual Cleanup of Problem Data Files
Recording Statistics
Running Cleanup Program


  1. Load records according to the instructions in LTS Procedure #46, Bulk Import/Export Instructions (Marcive section)  You will find MSCO2 (Marcive) under Voyager Update Utilities; MSC (Prepare a Miscellaneous MARC Input File); MSC02 Marcive
  2. Select the appropriate file, e.g. CITH1810-OCT18
  3. The loading program loads the MARC records with no conflict into the database and sorts the records with a problem into several sub files for manual revision.
  4. When the loading is complete, the email from CTSBULK-L with the subject line Marcive SUMMARY RC=0 will appear with details of the load and data files. Use LS-Tools, and choose ENACT Bulkimport to confirm loads.  When you receive emails from CTSBULK-L with subject lines Vendor (msc02) Import Summary RC=0, this confirms that the loading process is complete.

C.  Retrieving Problem Data Files  

Open LTS share file (ds-deptshares (\\\libfilesLIB) (LX:)) (LTS)->Input->lstools->users_users->(netid) marc (this includes the new/existing files. MITCN are "new" and MARCIVE are the "existing".   Then open the output folder, which consists of the mixed bib list.   Either merge or add as a new record manually, as appropriate.


  1. After the manual resolution of the problem files from the monthly loads is complete, run the cleanup program that identifies unwanted duplicate records.
  2. Use LS-Tools. Choose Reports & Extracts, then under Voyager Reporting Utilities, choose PR1-Execute a Report or Extract, then PR110-Report Duplicate Government Documents, then execute the LS Tools job.
  3. Go to LS Tools user folder; Output ; Change file extension to xls. Save spreadsheet to Marcive vendor record folder.
  4. When you receive emails from CTSBULK-L with subject lines Report Duplicate Government Documents SUMMARY RC=0, this confirms that the loading process is complete.Documents staff will evaluate ambiguous matches and manually resolve each as appropriate. Refer to C. above to retrieve the file.