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TImeTypeResidentFacultyTopicReadingsNotes/ Questions
July 65-6:30pBRMCGSIschemia/ReperfusionIR - Literature IR lit review.docx
July 135-6:30pBRPMJMCPR

Part VII RECOVER guidelines and lit (Epinephrine, Impedance Threshold Devices, Interposed Abdominal Compressions, Levosimendan, and ECMO)

The role of Levosimendan in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.pdf

Randomized, Blinded Comparison of Epinephrine and Vasopressin for Treatment of Naturally Occurring Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Dogs.pdf

Comparison of time to obtain intraosseous versus jugular venous catheterization on canine cadavers.pdf

Ultrasound‐guided intracardiac xenotransfusion of canine packed red blood cells and epinephrine to the left ventricle of a severely anemic cat during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.pdf

Assessment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 121 dogs and 30 cats at a university teaching hospital (2009–2012).pdf

Acid base, electrolyte, glucose, and lactate values during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs and cats.pdf

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for critically ill adults in the emergency department- history, current applications, and future directions.pdf

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with assisted extracorporeal life-support versus conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults with in-hospital cardiac arrest- an observational study and propensity analysis.pdf

RECOVER evidence and knowledge gapanalysis on veterinary CPR.Part 7- Clinical guidelines.pdf

July 205-6:30pBR------Orientation week**NO BR** 
July 275-6:30pBRJWRGCPR



Post Arrest Care.docx
Aug 35-6:30pBR---DFCPRCPR Simulations 
Aug 105-6:30pBRSRGSGI/ Exocrine PancPhysiology (Guyton GIT chapters and GIT Vasc anatomy) 
Aug 175-6:30pBRVCJMGI/ Exocrine PancPancreatitis 
Aug 245-6:30pBRASRGGI/ Exocrine PancSurgery of the GIT and Pancreas 
Aug 315-6:30pBRAll---IVECCSPractice presentations 
Sept 75-6:30pBRAll---IVECCSPractice presentations 
Sept 145-6:30pBR------IVECCS*** NO BR IVECCS Sept 14-18 *** 
Sept 183-4pMT------IVECCS*** NO BR IVECCS Sept 14-18 *** 
Sept 215-6:30pBRAll---IVECCSWhat I learned at IVECCS 
Sept 253-4pMT
CT---Journal Club  
Sept 285-6:30pBRCTDFGI/ Exocrine PancVomiting/ Ileus/ Drugs/ Current Literature 
Oct 23-4pMTAll---Lit Review

June 1 -Oct 1 2018

Crit Care Med - PM





Vet J and Am J Vet Research -

Supplemental : Vet Surg, JAAHA, JFMS, etc....


Oct 55-6:30pBRAllAllMock ExamShock, Trauma, IR, CPR, GI, Exocrine Pancreas 
Oct 93-4pMTAll---Vent Sim  
Oct 125-6:30pBRAll---Vent Sim  
Oct 163-4pMTAll---Vent Sim  
Oct 195-6:30pBRJWGSCoag/TransPrimary hemostasis *Presentation JW 
Oct 231-2:30pBR-------CBP*** NO BR *** 
Oct 2512-1pMT-------CBP*** NO BR *** 
Oct 301-2:30pBRPMJMCoag/TransCoagulation (cascade and cell based) *Presentation PM 
Nov 112-1pMTMC---M&M  
Nov 61-2:30pBRSGRGCoag/Trans

Diseases of coagulation (hyper and hypo)

Nov 812-1pMTJW---Journal Club  
Nov 131-2:30pBRASDFCoag/Trans

Endothelium *Presentation AS

Nov 1512-1pMTAll---Lit ReviewOct 1 - Nov 15 2018 
Nov 201-2:30pBR GSCoag/Trans

Sepsis & Coagulation

Nov 2212-1pMTPMJMCoag/TransCoagulation testing *Presentation PM 
Nov 271-2:30pBR RGCoag/TransTransfusion Medicine Pt 1 
Nov 2912-1pMTAll---ExamBenchmarks MCQ 
Dec 41-2:30pBR DFCoag/TransTransfusion Medicine Pt 2 
Dec 612-1pMT
Dec 111-2:30pBR GSCoag/TransPharmacology/ Toxins 
Dec 1312-1pMTPM---Journal Club  
Dec 181-2:30pBRSRJMCoag/TransPTE - pathophysiology and diagnosis *Presentation SR 
Dec 2012-1pMT RGCoag/TransPTE - treatment 
Dec 251-2:30pBR------Holiday*** NO BR *** 
Dec 2712-1pMT------Holiday*** NO BR *** 
Jan 11-2:30pBR------Holiday*** NO BR *** 
Jan 312-1pMTAll---Lit ReviewNov 15 - Jan 1 2019 
Jan 81-2:30pBR DFM/S, IntegPhysiology and anatomy (Constanzo and Dukes) 
Jan 1012-1pMT ---Vent Sims  
Jan 151-2:30pBR ---Vent Sims  
Jan 1712-1pMT ---Vent Sims  
Jan 221-2:30pBRSRGSM/S, Integ

Ortho Trauma Pt 1.

Jan 2412-1pMTPM---M&M  
Jan 291-2:30pBR JMM/S, IntegOrtho Trauma Pt 2.Ortho trauma to cover.docx
Jan 3112-1pMTMC---Journal Club  
Feb 51-2:30pBRJWRGM/S, IntegWound healing *Presentation JW 
Feb 712-1pMT DFM/S, IntegImmune-mediated skin dz  
Feb 121-2:30pBRSRGSM/S, IntegBurns *Presentation SR 
Feb 1412-1pMTAll---Lit ReviewJan 1 - Feb 14 2019 
Feb 191-2:30pBRAllAllMock ExamCoagulation/ Transfusion/ MS/ Integ 
Feb 2112-1pMT ---Vent Sims  
Feb 261-2:30pBR ---Vent Sims  
Feb 2812-1pMT ---Vent Sims  
Mar 51-2:30pBR JMCardioLange Text (Cardiac Physiology 7th Ed Ch 1-6) 
Mar 712-1pMT RGCardioLange Text (Cardiac Physiology 7th Ed Ch 7-11) 
Mar 121-2:30pBR DFCardioClin Path (natriuretic peptides, troponins, biomarkers, and neuroendocrine pathophys review) 
Mar 1412-1pMTAS---M&M  
Mar 191-2:30pBRVCGSCardioCV dz in small animals: MVD, DCM, HCM, ACVIM CHF classifications **Presentation VC 
Mar 2112-1pMTSR---Journal Club  
Mar 261-2:30pBR JMCardioCongenital heart dz (Kittleson Ch 12-18, Ware Ch 18) 
Mar 2812-1pMTJW---M&M  
Apr 21-2:30pBRMCRGCardioHemodynamic waveforms *Presentation MC 
Apr 412-1pMTALL---Lit ReviewFeb 14 - Apr 4 2019 
Apr 91-2:30pBRVCDFCardioCV dz in small animal: ARVC, ATE, BSAVA cardio echo, myocardial contusion, myocarditis, pericardial dz ***Presentation VC 
Apr 1112-1pMT
SG---Journal Club  
Apr 161-2:30pBRASGSCardioElectrocardiograms - physiology and interpretation *Presentation AS 
Apr 1812-1pMTSR---M&M  
Apr 231-2:30pBRSRJMCardioCHF 
Apr 2512-1pMTAS---Journal Club  
Apr 301-2:30pBRMCRGCardioCardiac output monitoring and calculations *Presentation MC 
May 212-1pMTCTDFCardioEndocarditis 
May 71-2:30pBR GSCardioHeartworm dz 
May 912-1pMTVC---M&M  
May 141-2:30pBR JMCardioOpie Text (Drugs for the Heart 8th Ed Ch 1-4) 
May 1612-1pMTAll---Lit ReviewApr 4 - May 16 2019 
May 211-2:30pBR RGCardioOpie Text (Drugs for the Heart 8th Ed Ch 5-7) 
May 2312-1pMTVC---Journal Club  
May 281-2:30pBR DFCardio

Opie Text (Drugs for the Heart 8th Ed Ch 8-9)

May 3012-1pMTAll---ExamBenchmarks MCQ 
June 43-4pMTAll---Vent Sims  
June 75-6:30pBRAll---Vent Sims  
June 113-4pMTAll---Vent Sims  
June 145-6:30pBRSGGSA/APhysiology of Pain 
June 183-4pMT
June 215-6:30pBR JMA/ALumb & Jones 2015 (Ch 3-5, 7-17, 26-28) 
June 253-4pMTAll---Lit ReviewMay 16 - June 25 2019 
June 285-6:30pBR RGA/ALumb & Jones 2015