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Many of Yimon's support tickets related to her desktop and laptop lead to successfully addressing symptoms, and not addressing underlying structural issues implied to exist. Thus, now deemed worth having this page tries to collect in one place to capture those tickets, at least on-going, for future reference. This situation tickets and other information to help better respond to future requests for support. This situation, which includes software not being kept up to date for whatever reason, is expected to only get worse if this pattern continues, alas.


Oliver's understanding, following a conversation with Yimon on 5/7/2018: Yimon's IT support strategy for her laptop and desktop is to try to work things out for herself. If she can't solve the problem, she continues working on it until it creates a crisis, usually involving a deadline. That is when she contacts us. I advised her that we may not always be "lucky" in us managing to solve her problems in this way each time and she said that's OK. However, I know that at those times tensions can run especially high. Also, solving problems in this way usually only addresses symptoms and does not alleviate the underlying issues such as keeping software up-to-date. Thus problems can grow or become more frequent as an outcome of a wish for a steady-state within an environment which is anything but steady-state.

Oliver's primary concern regarding Yimon's desktop and laptop is that without Without permission to properly update Yimon's primary laptop or desktop computers with any regularity, it will be becomes increasingly difficult to continue their proper support. And an any attempt now (as of 5/7/2018) to get things standardized will require some level of risk of failure such that we would expect need Yimon to explicitly assume that risk before we'd pursue that course of action.
