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These statistics must be gathered from various Access reports, from multiple databases.  Some statistics are required for the department-wide spreadsheet that is shared with Library Administration; some are for inter-departmental use.

I. Batch Processing Statistics Requested For FY End

Please note:This document details the methods by which these batch processing statistics  are derived, including information about tools and files used, and where they may be found. These statistics must be gathered from various Access reports, from multiple databases.  Some statistics are required for the department-wide spreadsheet that is shared with Library Administration; some are for inter-departmental use. The department-wide spreadsheet can be found at L://tsstats/LTS_Stats_2005-2017.xlsx (See image below).


3.) The total consists of “total Approvals input” + “total Books input” + “total NPAC input.” (net id in 948 is “batch” for these counts.) Enter data into LTS_Stats_2005-20[YY].xlsx.+

B. “New records (e-journals) – This information is found in the “Batch Activity Summary Report” in the LTS Stats database. The “Catalog/Format/e-Resources (journals) total” is the desired total. (net id in 948 is “batch” for these counts.)

1.) Database used: L://tsstats/1New_culv2-2012-2013.accdb.

2.) Use Macro “5 – Batch Summary Report,” highlighted below.


C. “New records (e-books) -- This information is found in the “Batch Activity Summary Report” (I.A.1. above) Report”  in the LTS Stats database. The total is derived by adding “Catalog/Format/Computer files” total + “Catalog/Format/e-Resources (books)” total + “Catalog/Format/Sound recordings” total. (net id in 948 is “batch” for these counts.)


D. “Records Exported – The information for this total comes from the spreadsheet found at “L://Batch_Processing/LoadExtractLogs/VoyagerExtracts[FYdates].xls.” (I.C.4. above) The total for the FY is derived by adding together the totals from the following sheets in the document: “Batchmatch (MARCadia)” + “OCLC Archives & Man. Records” + “OCLC Institutional Records” + “OCLC MARC Holdings” + “OCLC Daily Export.” (These jobs are cron jobs, run against large numbers of records at a time.)


1.) Use “L://Batch_Processing/LoadExtractLogs/VoyagerExtracts[FYdates].xls.”

2.) The total for the FY is derived by adding together the totals from the following sheets in the document: “Batchmatch (MARCadia)” + “OCLC Archives & Man. Records” + “OCLC Institutional Records” + “OCLC MARC Holdings” + “OCLC Daily Export.” Enter data into LTS_Stats_2005-20[YY].xlsx.


E. “Records enhanced – This information is found by running the Record Enhancement query in the database 1New_culv2-2012-2013.accdb (I.A.2. above). It includes info for WorldShare, Batchmatch, ebooksenhanced, and all “Update Backlog Records” (storage items) jobs.  This query is run against the Batch_Stats table in the built by PH’s job in LS Tools, mentioned in H, below.To get the total number of records enhanced, run “Records enhanced” query and then run “Get Records Enhancements Grand Total” query. The resulting table will consist of one number: The total number of records enhanced in the FY. (Note: Need Operator will need to go into first query and edit, to limit for specific FY.)


 F. “Headings maintenance – Batch Processing staff have each been given an additional Voyager sign-on, to be used when they are running batch processes using Gary Strawn’s LocationChanger or RecordReloader. These sign-ons take the form of “batch[netid]” and will show up in the record histories of any records edited in this fashion. A separate database called “3_BATCHstats.mdb,” (I.B. above) a set of queries, and a report called “Batch Bib Summary Report” have been created to harvest this information. For this specific line item in the department spreadsheet, information will be gathered by running the “Batch Bib Summary Report” and using the total of updated records for the operator id of “batchjm17,” “batchstr1” and “GLOBAL”.


G. “Batch OP ID Stats – This information will be gathered by running the “Batch Bib Summary Report” found in the “3_BATCHstats.mdb.” (I.B. above) Statistics for all batch operator id’s will be gathered for interdepartmental use and entered into the spreadsheet, “BATCHID_Stats_ FY[YY]_[YY].xlsx” (I.C.3., above) found in L:\Batch_Processing\BatchIDStats.


This report runs two queries, one for items created and one for items modified, and displays the retrieved data. Criteria for these two queries are as follows:


3.)  Use statistics for all batch operator ID’s. Enter into BATCHID_Stats_FY[YY[_[YY].xlsx (found at L:\Batch_Processing\BatchIDStats) This document contains statistics for records created or updated by a Batch Processing staff member using their “batchnetid” log in.









3.) The total is derived by adding “Catalog/Format/Computer files” total + “Catalog/Format/e-Resources (books)” total + “Catalog/Format/Sound recordings” total. (net id in 948 is “batch” for these counts.) Enter data into LTS_Stats_2005-20[YY].xlsx.

I. Fastshelve” – In 1New_culv2-2012-2013.accdb, there is a make table query called “Find fastshelve” that can be run to gather bib-level statistics on the number of records fast-shelved by LTS staff. Criteria for the date range and the name of the output table must be manually changed each year.


This document contains statistics for records created or updated by a Batch Processing staff member using their “batchnetid” log in.

