Versions Compared


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  • The extra packages used outside of a minimum centos install were httpd (apache), createrepo and rsync.
  • The repository currently resides at and is automatically updated daily.
  • The updating of the the repository files is done through a cron job (the commands can be viewed using crontab -e on the machine) the commands are in the following form:
    • <time(standard cron format)> /usr/bin/rsync -avz --exclude='<files to be excluded> rsync://<rsync address for mirror> <local repo file path>
    • <time(standard cron format)> /usr/bin/createrepo --update <local repo file path>
    • Note: The first command pulls in an incremental update from the internet and the second command updates the repo.
    • Note: The repo is currently set to update at roughly 1-6 AM every morning.
  • Apache /Nginx can be used as a http host for the repository (work on this remaining)is currently used for the http hosting with default settings (except for an edit commenting out everything in the welcome.conf file in order to avoid the apache welcome page). The service apache uses for the hosting is called httpd and can be restarted/stopped using systemctl. 
  • If ftp hosting is required at any point, VSFTP can be used with default settings as an easy to set up ftp host.
  • Testing on actually using the repo with yum remaining.