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This page will contain all the information pertaining to the configuration/use of the Centos 7 repository managed by ChemIT


See also


At time of writing, the repository contains content from the epel and elrepo repositories for CentOS 7 (across all available architectures).



  • The extra packages used outside of a minimum centos install were httpd (apache), createrepo and rsync.
  • The repository currently resides at and is automatically updated daily.
  • The updating of the the repository files is done through a cron job (the commands can be viewed using crontab -e on the machine) the commands are in the following form:
    • <time(standard cron format)> /usr/bin/rsync -avz --exclude='<files to be excluded> rsync://<rsync address for mirror> <local repo file path>
    • <time(standard cron format)> /usr/bin/createrepo --update <local repo file path>
    • Note: The first command pulls in an incremental update from the internet and the second command updates the repo.
    • Note: The repo is currently set to update at roughly 1-6 AM every morning.
  • Apache/Nginx can be used as a http host for the repository (work on this remaining)