Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • DB = database. As in FMPro DB.


Please send corrections or changes suggestions regarding this page to <ChemIT>. Especially if this page can instead refer to A&S IT's directions, as the service provider. Or to instructional staff documentation, as the service user. Thank you!

Support and maintenance expectations


Roles and responsibilities: Chemistry Instruction, ChemIT, and A&S IT

All requests for service from from Instructional staff are to go to Chemistry IT <ChemIT> if they have been vetted with Pat Hine.


Instruction staff who make structural changes to any of their DBs must inform A&S staff (Dani or Tu) as an FYI. Making changes may break things or processes.

  • Instructional staff are encouraged to involve A&S IT staff (Dani or Tu) if Instructional staff before making structural changes to their DBs.
  • Debugging a problem is easier if changes to the source DB is known up-front by those helping with the debugging.
  • Backups and restores may not work correctly if structural changes are made.
  • There are many, many moving parts to this complex and interdependent system!
    • One example: Uploads to the ChemGrades web site may not work correctly or otherwise need to be tested if structural changes are made.

A&S IT's services and role

  • A&S IT provides the FMPro server hosting services.
    • This includes performing and confirming back-ups and restore procedures.
    • Special focus is on addressing any infrastructure problem at their end.
  • A&S IT staff can do Consulting/ Design/ Creation work on a case-by-case basis
    • This will usually require Frank's approval, with negotiated timelines.


Procedures and processes

Semester-start procedures and processes.


In the fall, Pat Hine's first pull is no sooner than... (example: 8/29/13 (Thur)). Later for lecture-only courses.

  • Initially populating the DB with PeopleSoft data via a PeopleSoft import.This is a one-time event each semester for each course. (The wide range of courses are done at different times, depending on each course.)
    • Do imports in productions course DBs.
      • Can zero out or revert to prior DB if mistake made. If major problem, Pat can also contact Dani or Tu to revert to prior DB during normal business hours.
  • At the beginning of the semester (add/ drop period), Pat Hine will periodically grab copies of the back-ups so she can created statistics re: rate of enrollment changes.

Semester-end procedures and processes.


  • Pat Hine pulls the final data from the backups.
    • NOTE: If an edit is done, must wait until that edit shows up in a backup (~ half a work day) and then that backup becomes the "final data" for that course.
  • Pat Hine zeroes out each of the ChemGrades DBs before the start of their next use.
    • Pat Hine does this within FMPro, when she needs it done (varies by course).
  • Cut off TA's access to FMPro.
    • Pat Hine does this within FMPro, when she needs it done (varies by course?).
  • Some courses must not show the grade of the final exam, per faculty member's requirement.
    • In those cases, Pat Hine will simply not "push" her final data to the web (varies by course).
      • For these courses, grade changes for a student done after the last push (right before final exam grades entered into FMPro, ideally) will thus not show up on the web.
        • These are edge/ rare cases and Pat Hine will inform the student of this fact if a student asks.

DB revert procedure. Initiating request and subsequent restoration from back-up.


Pat Hine has access to last 7 calendar days of backups, 2 times per day. So, 14 backup files per course at steady-state, whether changes were made or not.


  • Zero out course data on the A&S FMPro server.
  • Import data from the correct course backup file.
    • Latest version would be from ~half a work day before.
  • If Pat Hine needs backup data older than what she has access to herself (> 7 days, so rare), she must contact A&S IT (Dani or Tu) for them to get via back-ups of the SQL server data (or from EZ-Backup).
    • Note that A&S IT's EZ-Backup would itself only have the 3 prior versions. If course DB was changed each day, that's just three backups. If course DB rarely changed, then that can be a long time.

Outstanding actions


to consider

Make appropriate changes to source FMPro data


  • Although the web version may be OK for view-only of some data, it's obviously not as flexible for searching. And there is no way for PatH to make changes through the web version.
  • On accasions occasions when PatH needs full access, we will enable Remote Desktop on PatH's main work computer. This way she can do everything she can do when she's at work.
    • She can and does access her computer from off-campus via VPN.
