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Aug 03

Board ReviewJLAnesthesia Articles 

Alfaxalone for total intravenous anaesthesia in bitchesundergoing elective caesarean section and its effects onpuppies- a randomized clinical trial.pdf

 Clinical efficacy and cardiorespiratory effects ofintramuscular administration of alfaxalone alone or incombination with dexmedetomidine in cats.p

Postoperative analgesia CRI comparrisons.docxdf

 Vet Anest Analg 2015.docx



Aug 10Board ReviewMPOcular Emergencies I

Corneal Emergencies.pdf



Lens Related Emergencies.pdf

Ocual disease in ICU.pdf


Ocular emergencies chapter.pdf

Corneal Emergencies 8.10 Board Review.pdf

Uveitis Summary.docx



Lens Related Emergencies.docx

SACCM chp 154 Ocular emergencies in the ICU.docx

Aug 17Board ReviewRGOcular Emergencies II

Ocular emergencies chapter.pdf

Acute blindness.pdf

Ocular hypotensives.pdf

Autonomic ocular agents.pdf

NSAIDs in eyes.pdf

steroids in eyes.pdf

management of orbital diz.pdf


Canine KCS.pdf

Acute Blindness Summary.docx

Ocular hypotensives.pdf

Conjunctivitis and Blepharitis.docx

Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca.docx

Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.docx

Ocular Emergencies Board Review 8.18.pdf

Orbital diseases 8:18.pdf

Aug 24Board ReviewRESPractice IVECCS Presentations  
Aug 31Board ReviewRESPractice IVECCS Presentations  
Sep 07None IVECCS Grapevine, Tx  
Sep 14Board ReviewResWhat I learned at IVECCS - residents present 20 minutes each, on things they learned at IVECCS What I Learned at iveccs 2016.pptx
Sep 20Board ReviewDFNutrition

Nutrition in Critical Illness (VCNA SAP)

  1. Dialysis 

2. Gastrointestinal Complications in Critical Illness  

3. GI Dysmotility in Critical Illness 

4. Nutrition in Critical Illness 

5. New Tools for Nutritional Assessment  

6. Nutrition and immune function 

Veterinary Clinics Small Animal Practice 36.docx

Summary_Gastrointestinal dysmotility disorders in critically ill dogs and cats.docx

New tools for the nutritional assessment and management of critical care patients.docx

Nutritional Considerations for the Dialytic Patient.docx

Nutrition in critical illness.pdf

Sep 21     
Sep 27     
Sep 28Board ReviewJMNutrition

EN (Articles)






Early intrajejunal nutrition%3A bacterial translocation and gut barrier function of severe acute pancreatitis in dogs.pdf

PN (Articles)







TPN and cats.docx

Board Review Effect of Early Enteral Nutrition on Intestinal Permeability, Intestinal Protein Loss, and Outcome in Dogs with Severe Parvoviral Enteritis.docx

Oct 4Mock ExamFacultyAnesthesia/Analgesia/Ophtho/Nutrition  
Oct 5Board ReviewJLHepatobilliaryPhysiology 
Oct 11Vent LabDF/RG   
Oct 12Board ReviewFDHepatobilliaryLit Review 
Oct 18Literature ReviewResidents   
Oct 19Board ReviewEZHepatobilliaryHepatotoxins Articles 
Oct 25Journal Club    
Oct 26Board ReviewMPHepatobilliaryAcute Liver Failure (Presentation) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Nov 02Board ReviewFDHepatobilliaryCPSS (Presentation) 
 Literature ReviewResidents   
No 09Board ReviewJLEnvironmentalToxins 
Nov 16Board ReviewJWEnvironmentalHypothermia (Presentation) 
Nov 30Board ReviewEZEnvironmentalHyperthermia (Presentation) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Dec 07Board ReviewMPEnvironmentalEnvenomations (Presentation) 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Dec 14Board ReviewEZRadiologyLiterature (POCUS, Gastric pneumotosis, VHS, etc...) 
 Journal Club    
Dec 21Board ReviewPMRadiologyCT/MRI (Presentation) 
Dec 28None Holiday  
Jan 04Board ReviewJLHeme/Onc/IMMIMHA (Presentation) 
 Mock Exam Hepatobiliary/Evironemntal/Radiology/  
Jan 11Board ReviewMPHeme/Onc/IMMOncology and Chemo (articles, Tumor Chts) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Jan 18Board ReviewJLHeme/Onc/IMMITP (Presentation) 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Jan 25Board ReviewPMHeme/Onc/IMMImmunology I 
Feb 01Board ReviewJWHeme/Onc/IMMImmunology II 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Feb 08Board ReviewDFEndocrineDM 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Feb 15Board ReviewRGEndocrineDKA 
 Journal Club    
Feb 22Board ReviewGSEndocrineEndocrine (Feld/Nel: Ch. 9, 14, 15) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Mar 01Board ReviewCCEndocrineAdrenal (Presentation) 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Mar 08Board ReviewJMEndocrineRelative Adrenal Insufficiency 
Mar 15Board ReviewDFStatsBasic Statistics (DJF to present; Articles from RAG) 
 Mock Exam Heme/Onc/IMM/Endocrine/Stats  
Mar 22Board ReviewJLAcid/BaseDisease (Dibartola Ch. 9, Rose Ch. 11) 
Mar 29Board ReviewFDAcid/BaseMetabolic (Diabartola Ch. 10) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Apr 05Board ReviewMPAcid/BaseRespiratory (Dibartola Ch. 11) 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Apr 12Board ReviewEZAcid/BaseQuantitative (Presentation) 
 Journal Club    
Apr 19Board ReviewEZAcid/BaseNa/Cl (Dibartola Ch. 3, 4; 2000 NEJM Hyper/Hyponatremia Rev) 
Apr 26Board ReviewJWAcid/BaseAlbumin (Presentation) 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
May 03Board ReviewPMAcid/BaseK (Dibartola Ch. 5) 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
May 10Board ReviewJWAcid/BaseMg, P, and Ca 
 Mock Exam Acid/Base  
May 17Board ReviewPMReproEstrous (Presentation) 
May 24Board ReviewDFReproEclampsia, mastitis, metritis, uterine torsion and prolapse, testicles (tumors and torsion), preputial disorders (phimosis, paraphimosis, priapism, and urethral prolapse), and prostatitis 
 Journal ClubPM   
May 31Board ReviewRGInfectious DiseaseSuggested topics to cover in 3 Infectious BR sessions (June 10, 17, and 24th – see next session for complete list and 3rd session description for what does NOT need to be included here…).  Only need general working knowledge (as if GP in area where disease is endemic).  Things like how to test for (titers good, or needs PCR because titers mean nothing), and general MOA, how is it transmitted, treatment, and prognosis.  Might also think about how contagious it is and is it zoonotic?  Suggest you know a bit more about tetanus and botulism - detailed reviews published by diplomates and tend to be a favorite…. 
 Vent LabDF/RG   
Jun 07Board ReviewFDInfectious DiseasePresentation 
 Lit ReviewResidents   
Jun 14Board ReviewGSInfectious DiseaseDO NOT need to be covered in this portion of BR as they are covered in other areas, (endocarditis, heartworm, Parvovirus (dog), septic peritonitis, pyometra, prostatitis, mastitis, metritis, pyothorax, pneumonia, Leptospirosis, and Lyme) 
 Journal ClubEZ   
Jun 21Board ReviewJMAntimicrobialsAntimicrobial treatment (Boothe Ch. 1, 6) 
Jun 28Board Review AntimicrobialsAntimicrobial Drugs (Boothe Ch. 7) 
Jul 05Board Review---HolidayHoliday 
Jul 12Board Review Sepsis/SIRSPathophysiology (Articles) 
Jul 19Board Review Sepsis/SIRSPathophysiology (Articles) 
Jul 26Board Review Sepsis/SIRSVeterinary Lit Review (Articles) 
Aug 02Board Review Sepsis/SIRSVeterinary Lit Review (Articles) 
Aug 09Board Review Sepsis/SIRSParvovirus 
Aug 16Board Review Sepsis/SIRSHAI/MDR/MRSA 
Aug 23Board Review Sepsis/SIRSSeptic Peritonitis 
