Unit: Receiving and Documents
Date last updated: 09/0108/20152016
Date of next review: September 20162017
United States Depository
United Nations Depository
European Union Depository
Mailing List Documents
Receiving Orders
3. Symbol documents. The majority of U.N. depository publications received are symbol documents. Many of the working documents (called "Masthead documents" by the U.N.) of the main United Nations organs are now received only in electronic form as part of the United Nations Official Document resource or ODS. Our depository continues to receive the Official Record symbol documents in paper form. Each document has printed on it a United Nations document series symbol (example: A/AC.105/703). (Some documents with covers may have the symbol printed on the title page or title page verso only.) These documents are received in boxes or smaller containers in random order. Serials to to check-in-shelf. Monos and symbol documents go on the documents review shelf behind thereceiving table.
3a. Sales Documents. As part of our U.N. deposit we receive a number of publications which are also sold by the United Nations Sales Office. These documents have United Nations symbols and also U.N. Sales numbers. These publications do not look like other symbol documents. They generally have colored covers and are monograph firm orders or serials, rather than meeting documents. Put monographs on the documents review shelf. Sales documents which are serials generally check in in Voyager even if they have United Nations symbols. Check for a Voyager check-in or bibliographic record. A special category of serials is Yearbooks. (Examples: Demographic Yearbook, Energy Statistics Yearbook, Statistical Yearbook, National Accounts Statistics). We often receive a depository copy of a yearbook and maintain a standing order for one or more additional copies for unit libraries. It is important to distinguish the depository copy from the standing order copy of a Yearbook and check it in on the appropriate Voyager record, because the depository copy is free to the receiving library and the standing order copies are charged to selectors' bookfunds. Rule of Thumb: Depository copies of yearbooks have paper covers and no invoice. Standing order copies often have hard covers and arrive with invoices and/or packing lists. Periodicals received on U.N. deposit may or may not have a United Nations series symbol. (Examples: Cepal Review, Industry and Environment, Monthly Bibliography, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, United Nations Chronicle). Periodicals check in in Voyager.
1. Many documents are received by us through agency mailing lists. Except for New York State depository documents, this This is how we receive our state documents, including New York State when we cancelled our New York State paper depository shipments in 2011. We also receive U.S., municipal, foreign and international organization documents in this way.
1. The Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of Congress supplies Library of Congress publications which we do not receive on deposit. We have standing orders and place unit orders with CDS on our CDS deposit account. Our when requested. CDS no longer establishes deposit accounts as of 2014, prior to that our CDS deposit account # is was 193003.
2. CDS publications arrive in boxes with 8 1/2 x 11 white packing slips. Standing orders for serials (example: updates to USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data) will not have an order form. Place standing order items on serials check-in shelf for Voyager check-in. To receive a CDS unit order, pull Library of Congress Correspondence file from Documents file. Stamp the order with the Cornell University Library date stamp. Put serials on check-in shelf for Voyager check-in. Follow any instructions written on the order for monographs or new serials.
3. Serial volumes which come on standing orders with invoices are paid and checked in on receipt. Create a Voyager invoice record. Write the Voyager Voucher number in blue at the top of the invoice. Stamp the invoice with the Cornell University Library date stamp and initial beside the date. Pay the invoice, append ONLY the title or titles to the Voyager invoice record, inputting any required information and saving the invoice. Pay Postage (Fund 999) in "Other charges" directly on the Voyager invoice record. Put the invoice (original only) in the appropriate Invoice folder on the main receiving table.
4. Monographs with invoices have been ordered on Voyager with a purchase order. Search Voyager and locate the order record. Create a Voyager invoice record. Write the Voyager voucher number in blue at the top of the invoice. Stamp the invoice with the Cornell University Library date stamp and initial next to the date. Append and receive the title to the Voyager invoice, input any fields required and save the invoice. Place the invoice (original only) in the appropriate Invoice folder on the main receiving table. Put a library flyer in the book and fastcat as appropriate.
4a. Invoices without invoice numbers. (Assigning a CUL number). Monographs may be received from government agencies on bills without invoice numbers. If this occurs, use the Bates consecutive number stamp and stamp once at the top of the bill. Write cul in front of this number. Create a Voyager invoice and use this number as the invoice number. Make a photocopy, staple to the original and pay Pay as in 4.
5. Shared Invoices (Council of Europe). Council of Europe shipments, from Manhattan Publishing, mix monographs and serials, and also are shared by Olin and Law. Pay for the serials, including the Law serials, and give the monographs and invoice to the Approvals coordinator. Send Law a copy of the invoice and the book or books for processing.