Support and maintenance expectations (DRAFT)
Roles and responsibilities: Chemistry Instruction, ChemIT, and A&S IT
All requests for service from from Instructional staff are to go to Chemstry Chemistry IT <ChemIT> if they have been vetted with Pat Hine.
- Please distinguish between a request to fix something broken (worked yesterday!), or something new needed or wanted (consultation/ design/ implementation).
- In an emergency (time-sensitive situation), in addition to contacting ChemIT, Pat Hine may contact A&S IT support staff (Dani or Tu) directly, too.
Instruction staff who make structural changes to any of their DBs must inform A&S staff (Dani or Tu) as an FYI.
- Instructional staff are encouraged to involve A&S IT staff (Dani or Tu) if Instructional staff before making structural changes to their DBs.
- Debugging a problem is easier if changes to the source DB is known up-front by those helping with the debugging.
- Backups and restores may not work correctly if structural changes are made.
- There are many, many moving parts to this complex and interdependent system!
- One example: Uploads may not work correctly or otherwise need to be tested if structural changes are made.