Versions Compared


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Cornell Active Directory (AD), both PCs and Macs

Problem statement


Next step: Ryan to contact Northwestern with this question/ issue find out their thoughts.


Computers (PCs, Macs) are currently on Cornell's AD, and access is by NetID. That is not a sustainable configuration for when the computers are outside Cornell, even if will work in the short-term.

  • Also, machine names are using Cornell's AD naming convention. Northwestern likely will prefer to change these names. (smile)

Next step

  • Ryan to contact Northwestern with this question/ issue find out their thoughts.


  • Leave machines on Cornell's Active Directory for move.
    • This retains all passwords locally, as cached credentials. Thus logging in will work indefinitely with current accounts when device no longer at Cornell.
    • Do not let machines reconnect to Cornell's AD once NetIDs expired!
  • Change local Admin password (user names are: PC: ad-admin; Mac: ChemIT)
    • They tell us what they prefer as a password.
  • Move machines to Northwestern. Should "just work" as they always have.
    • Won't allow the creation of any new AD-based accounts, obviously.
  • Local IT, using local Admin, disengages them from AD. Optionally reattaches device to their AD.


Another possibility: Microsoft's Easy Transfer tool.


Next step

  • Ryan: Closer to the move date, intends to contact Northwestern about this issue.

Group must understand licensing at Northwestern, and how it will affect them.


  • For Windows OS.
    • At Cornell, licensing through constant contact with campus license server.
  • MS Office on Windows.
    • At Cornell, licensing through constant contact with campus license server.
  • If Northwestern set up like Cornell , then they'll just work (campus license server; no charge-backs), then this Microsoft software will work fine there.


  • Needed by group.
  • Our license won Won't work off-campus.
    • A good idea:
    • ChemIT to remove CU's license file before machines leave campus.
    • Don't VPN
    • back to CU to get license to work, or might disable
    everything else for others!)
    • machine access to others.
  • Idea: Northwestern insert their license file.



  • Banned at Northwestern? Options?
  • No role for ChemIT.

Material Studio


  • Work with Paulette Clancy.
  • No role for ChemIT.

Cornell file share service (SFS)

Next steps

  • Ryan: To give ChemIT an account number for them to buy a 1TB drive.


  • Ryan to determine time of purchase and migration timeline.
  • ChemIT: ChemIT to buy drive when given


  • the go-ahead from Ryan.


  • On date decided on, ChemIT cuts access


  • and copy contents to drive, for the group.


  • On a specified day, turn off access to SFS so no one can change files on file share anymore.
  • All files copied to 1TB ($60-70) USB external hard drive.
    • Time estimate, if done on campus?
  • USB external hard drive taken to Northwestern and data moved to their files storage service.
  • Once confirmed all data successfully in Northwestern, then turn off Cornell's SFS file share.

Cornell-based group web site (CU Blogs)

Next steps

Ryan: Try to get a Northwestern ID and get a site started. And find out if someone there is willing to Admin group's CU blog, for export work. (request sponsored NetID)

Confirmed by Oliver: CIT can't add value, even if paid.



Export group site from CU Blogs using WordPress tools made available within our CampusPress instance.


  • Hand-correct anything missing from the export, if necessary.

Cornell-based CATON site (CU Blogs)

(See info in group web site, too.)

  • Finish getting non-CU-based domain name configured correctly.
    • Group will want to inform Northwestern of this need, so they are prepared for when it moves.
  • Rework workflow, including no longer relying on use of Ryan's Cornell-contracted account.
