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10minissue and project managementClay, Jean-Luc

review JIRA, Confluence, Support Ticket, BaseCamp, Trello, Zoho, DropBox
no one product will provide all the features we need so integration is important
Clay likes JIRA/Confluence because it is managed by Cornell, free, many features

10minideas on using QTLNetMinerClay and othersinvestigate how QTLNetMiner can be used by T3 and GrainGenes.
10mincombine genotype experimentsClay, Jean-Lucwe should archive the _Panel experiment and try to find a way to enable combining the HWWAMP, HWWAMP_R, CSRV, and YQV lines, as determined by the user, for analysis with the T3 tools.
Clay will make a stab at it and report back to us on what will be involved.
10minadditinal key in genotyping experimentsJean-LucWe usually think that people will not try to genotype the same line in the same genotyping experiment, so having those two indices will keep everything that needs to be separate separate.  But in the oat genotyping project, we have come across the problem that sometimes the same line (maybe variety name versus experimental line name) was in the same genotyping trial twice.  In cassava, the result of a genotyping experiment is associated with two keys "LineName:LibraryPrep".  I think the LibraryPrep is unique within the Genomic Diversity Facility.  So I wonder if we should try to implement that in T3, to have a T3-wide unique "genotyping assay" as an index within genotyping experiments, so that people could submit the same line however many times they wanted within the same experiment.
10minHaplotag filesJean-LucHow to display passport data? Link to Nick's website if he thinks it will be stable. Otherwise, save the HTML passport files on T3

Action items

  •  Clayton L Birkett email Cornell IT and ask if we can create collaborator account (JIRA, Confluence) for people in Albany. If not then sign up for Altassian Cloud service.
  •  Clayton L Birkett investigate methods of achiving TCAP90K_HWW_Panel
  •  Jean-Luc Jannink contact Marie Guttier and ask if we need general tool for combining genotype experiments or just for the one case she is working on
  •  Clayton L Birkett investigate how traits are linked to QTL's in QTLNETMiner