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Tools to help you understand which files are taking up the most space on your hard disk. Useful to inform back-up and sync'ing strategies and evaluating options.

List of Mac utilities to check file sizes

Using a utility from the below list can help you identify large files on your Mac. Using this tool can help you clear off more disk space and help determine how best to focus back-ups. Knowing file sizes can also guide how best to arrange your files for use with sync'ing tools such as Cornell's service, <>.

Extracted list from <>:

Oliver likes this one, which is commercial-quality, but still free:

Other options, with notes from Oliver:

Take Control ebooks

If you are interested in buying the ebook cited above, “Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac, Second Edition”, it’s available for $10 here:

Disclosure: Oliver performs contractual work for the publishers of this title. He welcomes your questions about Take Control's many other titles and services, of course