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We addressed the questions below.


1.  What additional guidance do the working groups need from JSMIN?

The proposal to move from Integration to Initiative has been approved by 2CUL Steering.

Do the tasks in the charge still apply to the groups? Are we revisiting our charges?


No longer having a mandate to integrate impacts all groups, but may mean different things. Some pressure is gone now that we are working on truly productive projects, not projects for the sake of becoming one department.  Some groups may suspend activities until perhaps a new system is implemented.

Many e-resource tasks do not depend on integration, but may impact the barriers outlined above.  They may push the limits on staffing and financial barriers.

Work on global changes and CONSER representation were noted as examples of successful initiatives. 

We decided that the scope of project work is so broad that we will look at each new initiative on its own merits (4 drivers) and not try to write a charge or guiding documentation to cover all aspects of work.  The vetting mechanism most often will occur within the group, e.g., the work that was done to justify Serials Solutions Consortial Edition or Callisto. The fewer sign offs the better.

We need to remember that 2CUL work is successfully happening in other areas, e.g., selection.

We may need to redefine JSMIN as an oversight group rather than an administrative group.  JSMIN may have a role in prioritizing work across departmental lines.  The liaison relationship is considered key in planning and carrying out initiatives.  They can seek guidance when needed from JSMIN.  Jim and Kate may continue to push problems up to Bob and Xin.


2. What does this change of direction mean for the TSI working group structure?  Does the current structure still make sense?

Much of this came out in the previous discussion.

MARC cataloging questions the given structure for the group, as it will be considering many cataloging initiatives (BibFRAME, for example). Group can be more ad hoc based on what project it is considering.  Work with Lois on documentation may go across teams.


This concern will be shared with 2CUL Steering.

4.  How can we continue to generate momentum for TSI ideas, projects, and alliances that will benefit both of our institutions?

The teams are still a good place to generate new projects and ideas. Always have the other institution in mind when considering new projects.

Keep in mind that 2CUL is still active in collection development.


For batch jobs, understanding of each others data is essential.

Working together on new workflows may be most beneficial.  Streaming video is an example of working on a new workflow jointly.


Flexibility in group composition and information sharing on specific projects would be helpful.

Addendum: next steps (7/23/14)

  1.  Functional working groups should continue to pursue ongoing work and new ideas that are likely to yield mutual (or net) benefits for our libraries.  Working groups should feel free to combine personnel, as needed or desired, as situations require, though formally restructuring of the groups at  this time would be premature.  Better to let the continuing TSI work drive changes in the model, rather than vice versa.
  2. Clearly we need a strong voice in system selection, migration, and implementation, especially since for many working groups TSI is dependent on whether or not we implement a shared system and what kind of shared functionality that system will provide (or inhibit).
  3. Kate and I will work on updating the top pages of the TSI wiki to account for the recent “pivot,” recommending changes to the individual pages and making those changes on behalf of the teams, if requested.  Beyond that, we recommend that the working  groups continue to use their wiki pages as they see fit.
  4. We ask everyone in JSMIN to take responsibility for pushing Technical Services Initiative work forward, as time and resources permit.
  5. Kate and I will begin work on step #5 in the action plan, initially with a pilot project in consultation with a single working group.  More on this soon.  Since it is Kate and I who have made (or who have had made for us) the formal 35% time commitment to TSI thru 2015, we will continue to shoulder the largest portion of this research burden, though we will probably need to pull others into the effort at some point.
  6. Kate and I will also begin work on step #6 in the action plan, initially by following up with our KenDen and BookOps contacts.